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OMG! So freakin' amazing & lucky you guys are! I am so jealous... Chris Marquette and Dan Byrd?! Thank you so very much for taking a photo of Dan - even if his eyes are closed. He looks adorable anyways. The interview with Chris... wow I had no idea him and Dan were actually friends - and for years! The only connection I knew of was the JOA episode Dan guested on. But he didn't have any scenes with Chris, so who knew? I can't even imagine how mind-blowing that must've been for you guys! What a trip. Oh and yeah reading about Chris talking about how he spent 3 1/2 months in Vancouver shooting The Invisible is rather annoying... cuz I live about 30 min from Vancouver and only knew about the last bit of shooting in Nov/Dec of last year and couldn't find out where they were shooting. So he was actually here earlier than I knew! Argh!
So congrats guys for doing something the rest of us just wish we could' Rock on.
Hey Kris,
Thanks for posting that. We hadn't seen the teaser poster yet. Very cool. We were on set today and will be posting pics shortly. All they did today was build some of the set on the Agnes Scott quad. But we learned from a very nice police officer that shooting begins tomorrow morning at 7 am. TeeJay and I will be there, hopefully with more to report tomorrow night.
One big thing we can tell you is that they're calling the college the same thing it was called in the original, Adams College.
Hang in there for more news.
And I love your avatar choice!
You're welcome for the link. Awesome can't wait to see more pics (especially of Chris *crosses fingers* and perhaps some of Dan if you happen to see him). If you don't know Dan here's a couple photos of him: … yrd/DB.jpg … n_Byrd.jpg
You guys are so lucky! Thanks for sharing your photos.
~ Kris
Ack I really should visit this forum more often. I just read (for the first time) about it today on
Plus I'm a big fan of actor Dan Byrd and am absolutely astounded that I can see him and Chris in the same film together. Booya!
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