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OK, I had a look around and there are things in there that I've never seen before. Didn't think that was possible. But I've never seen the Boston Public or Miracles screencaps. And I've never seen the wife beater pics on the second page of The Girl Next Door album. Where did those come from?
Anyway, the gallery looks great. Really shaping up. Excellent work.
Your Fairy Chrismother. Keeper of Keith's leather wristband. Keeper of Pocket Anomalies. WWAJD?
Wanna talk to President Obama? Close Gitmo/Open Cuba.
I just moved this to the Improvements section, hope that's okay, because it was about the gallery mainly. Thanks for the praise. I've been fiddling with some stuff today, mainly small things, though. The BP and Miracles caps were those that I made. The GND ones too. The wifebeater pics are from the specials. I made those caps ages ago. I should really go through the DVD and make some more good Eli caps.
"Sometimes I think the human species is programmed to look at the bright side of every disaster."
-- David Sandström, ReGenesis
Tina, you asked me to burn my picture folder for you. I'm downloading the pictures from Melissa's gallery which I still don't have at the moment. I assume her page will die in January (she said on the old forum she'll keep it another year but that's almost over now). I'll download them and burn them for you, too, is that okay? Do you think we could put them in the gallery after her site is gone? I mean, we can't ask her, but maybe she'll like it if the pics don't vanish after her site is closed.
I hugged the Seeker!
Damn sure we'll use Melissa's pics if her site goes away! And how are we supposed to ask her if her e-mail isn't working? We tried that before. She didn't react and then her e-mail went dead. And thanks so much for burning the pics, I'd really like to go through all the pics we have that Melissa doesn't and see what we can use for as long as her site is still up.
"Sometimes I think the human species is programmed to look at the bright side of every disaster."
-- David Sandström, ReGenesis
Ok, cool.
Well, I'll just burn the whole Chris pics folder, so it will include ALL pictures I have on my computer, so this means that it also will have a lot of pics I received from you. I hope that's okay, but I can't sort out the ones you sent me. I deleted some of the Fanboys pics though, because we already have them on the CDs Sean sent to us. And we don't need them twice, right?
I hugged the Seeker!
Yeah, that sounds perfect, Anne. Thanks!!
"Sometimes I think the human species is programmed to look at the bright side of every disaster."
-- David Sandström, ReGenesis
Yeah, let's jam all the pics we can gather into the gallery. Melissa obviously couldn't care less by now.
Your Fairy Chrismother. Keeper of Keith's leather wristband. Keeper of Pocket Anomalies. WWAJD?
Wanna talk to President Obama? Close Gitmo/Open Cuba.
I know you're gonna call me a stickler, but I'd rather wait until her site is gone before we upload her pictures. But I'd love to put as many pics in our gallery as we can that she doesn't have. And I know there's still gonna be a few. It's just a matter of sorting them out.
"Sometimes I think the human species is programmed to look at the bright side of every disaster."
-- David Sandström, ReGenesis
Uhm, just one question: Do we have Screencaps of The Tic Code already?
I hugged the Seeker!
Not unless you uploaded any. Do you want to make them? That's one thing I still have on my to-do list, but I didn't really see it as a priority, seeing how Chris isn't exactly eye candy in TTC.
"Sometimes I think the human species is programmed to look at the bright side of every disaster."
-- David Sandström, ReGenesis
Well, I would do it, but I think I don't have the right program. I was just asking because I'm burning stuff for you now and I wanted to burn the whole pic folder off the comp for me afterwards, so I would like to add TTC screencaps, too.
I hugged the Seeker!
TeeJay, the new caps are great. You captured some things I've never seen before. Lots of new stuff to save and savor. I can just copy them from the gallery through Filezilla, can't I? Think I'll try that.
Your Fairy Chrismother. Keeper of Keith's leather wristband. Keeper of Pocket Anomalies. WWAJD?
Wanna talk to President Obama? Close Gitmo/Open Cuba.
Thanks. Yeah, you can download them with Filezilla, good idea. Would be way faster than to save each one separately through the gallery. Just struck me again how different Chris looked as Adam in early season 1. He looks sooo young. And the hair is just all over the place.
"Sometimes I think the human species is programmed to look at the bright side of every disaster."
-- David Sandström, ReGenesis
He looks sooo young. And the hair is just all over the place.
Yep. I was thinking the same thing as I went through them. He actually had pinchable cheeks at some points during S1.
Your Fairy Chrismother. Keeper of Keith's leather wristband. Keeper of Pocket Anomalies. WWAJD?
Wanna talk to President Obama? Close Gitmo/Open Cuba.
There are now Screencaps from The Tic Code available in the gallery.
I hugged the Seeker!
Okay, apparently there were some problems with the Tic Code Pics, but I was able to fix it. And I just uploaded Screencaps from JoA 1x15, so you don't need to do this anymore, Tina.
I hugged the Seeker!
Hey Tina, what's wrong with the banners in the gallery? The files don't show up anymore. Huh?
EDIT: Hm, strange. I tried reuploading them but they don't even show up in the batch add files menu. Something must be seriously wrong here.
I hugged the Seeker!
What do you mean? The banners show up for me... Do you mean those in the Fanart/Banners album?
"Sometimes I think the human species is programmed to look at the bright side of every disaster."
-- David Sandström, ReGenesis
Yeah. I can't see them, neither here on the board nor in their album.
EDIT: Ok, this is strange. I tried to look at them in IE and they do show up there. What the heck is going on here? I can see the other pictures with firefox, but why not the banners?
I hugged the Seeker!
Are you using an ad blocker? If so, switch it off for our website, I think you'll find the banners will be back.
"Sometimes I think the human species is programmed to look at the bright side of every disaster."
-- David Sandström, ReGenesis
No they're not back yet. It's strange, I can see all the other pictures, just not the banners. I don't know what the problem is. Yesterday everything was still ok. When I came online this morning I realized that Deb's and my banners were gone from the forum. I was like, Huh? and checked the Gallery album and they were gone there too. I really don't know what the problem is. But it clearly sucks.
I hugged the Seeker!
You don't have the AdBlock extension installed for Firefox, do you? It really sounds like an ad-blocking program that makes all the ad banner-sized images disappear. Maybe you should check if you have something like that installed. Did you maybe update Firefox and it now blocks certain images? That's the only explanation I have because the banners are definitely still there, even if you can't see them.
"Sometimes I think the human species is programmed to look at the bright side of every disaster."
-- David Sandström, ReGenesis
I have AdBlock Plus, maybe that's the problem? I searched a little around but I don't really know what to do.
I hugged the Seeker!
I dare say AdBlock is most definitely the problem. Disable it for We don't have any ads anyway. I have AdBlock Plus. This is what my screen looks like when I click the little arrow next to the ABP icon. Might be that you have another ABP icon somewhere that you can right-click.
"Sometimes I think the human species is programmed to look at the bright side of every disaster."
-- David Sandström, ReGenesis
Woohoo! They're back! Thank you!!! :D:D
I hugged the Seeker!