#1 22 Jan 07 :: 09:47

Admin Dorquette™
From: Germany
Registered: 23 Jul 06
Posts: 10,412

Swiss Cheese on the Message Board: The Gallery Mess-up

I thought I'd post a quick something here about the gallery having gone haywire on January 21. Something went wrong with an update I wanted to do, and all the pictures got deleted from our gallery. Since re-uploading them also goes along with placing most of the pictures in other folders than they were before on the FTP server, any links to pictures in our gallery here on the message board (or outside of this site) will be pretty much dead.

We'd hate for the message board to be riddled with all these broken links. So, please, if anyone runs across any dead picture links to our site anywhere, please send out a "Swiss Cheese Alert" and we'll fix it as soon as we can. On our message board, a broken picture link will most likely show up as http;//www.chris-marquette.com/gallery/albums/XXX/YYY.jpg

We appreciate your help!

Oh, and I'm still working on re-uploading everything, which will take a week or longer since I will only have time to attend the website after work in the evenings. So bear with us if you find that the gallery doesn't have all the stuff in it that it should have. It'll all be up again in due time. And if, once the re-uploading has finished, anyone has any Chris pictures that we don't, please send them along, we'll add them to our collection.


"Sometimes I think the human species is programmed to look at the bright side of every disaster."
-- David Sandström, ReGenesis


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