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okay as i am still a DITS. Dorquette in training still.. we should come up with tasks for me to do on here hahaha. see if i can complete them:D:D i almost got the last one. :witsend: so throw them out here and ill try my hardest i promises
xoxoxoxoxo dee :hug:
Last edited by deedee (28 May 07 :: 02:17)
That's funny! OK, we'll see what we can come up with....:/
Your Fairy Chrismother. Keeper of Keith's leather wristband. Keeper of Pocket Anomalies. WWAJD?
Wanna talk to President Obama? Close Gitmo/Open Cuba.
I'll think of something.
I hugged the Seeker!
HEYY!!! am i still a DITS or .. IS THE TEST READDDDY :doh:
Oh geez, we haven't really had time to come up with test questions. Sorry. Right now I just really wanna get the server move over and done. After that I'll have more time for fun stuff. I think you're definitely getting there, Dee.
"Sometimes I think the human species is programmed to look at the bright side of every disaster."
-- David Sandström, ReGenesis
Oh, I totally forgot about that. Sorry.
I hugged the Seeker!
Here's a question for you, Dee. Name the TV shows/movies/events the photos from our navigation menu are from:
If you can do that, you are a true Dorquette. If not, well, off to boot camp with you!!
"Sometimes I think the human species is programmed to look at the bright side of every disaster."
-- David Sandström, ReGenesis
Great idea TeeJay. From now on, this is the graduation test from DITS to Dorquette!
Your Fairy Chrismother. Keeper of Keith's leather wristband. Keeper of Pocket Anomalies. WWAJD?
Wanna talk to President Obama? Close Gitmo/Open Cuba.
home: huff
about chris: fanboys
www: strong medicine.. wedding episode
joan of arcadia: joan of arcadia season 2 promo shot:) with amber.
pictures: girl next door
media: sundance film festival 2006 for alpha dog *(ps his eye looks bruised:O)
message board: still fan boys.
contact: i think.. this is the only one im not sure of.. uhmm american gun.. his hair seems slicked off to the side.. and it doesnt seem adam shaggy.. its not green so its not graduation.. alpha dog was long.. its either STRONG MEDICINE or AMERICAN Gun it kinda looks like abutton down shirt hes wearing and hes pretty clean shaven.. i hope if i get ONE wrong ull still pass me *cross fingers*
Dee, let's see about your answers.
home: huff (correct)
about chris: fanboys (correct)
www: strong medicine.. wedding episode (correct)
joan of arcadia: joan of arcadia season 2 promo shot:) with amber. (correct)
pictures: girl next door (WRONG!! It's from Just Friends.)
media: sundance film festival 2006 for alpha dog *(ps his eye looks bruised ) (correct) (And, yes, I think he had problems with his piercing that went through his eyebrow. That may be why he got rid of it. The piercing, not the eyebrow. )
message board: still fan boys. (correct)
contact: i think.. this is the only one im not sure of.. uhmm american gun.. his hair seems slicked off to the side.. and it doesnt seem adam shaggy.. its not green so its not graduation.. alpha dog was long.. its either STRONG MEDICINE or AMERICAN Gun it kinda looks like abutton down shirt hes wearing and hes pretty clean shaven.. i hope if i get ONE wrong ull still pass me *cross fingers* (WRONG on both counts. It's from Girl Next Door.)
Two wrong... Hm. I think boot camp is definitely on the menu for you, Ditsy Dee!
"Sometimes I think the human species is programmed to look at the bright side of every disaster."
-- David Sandström, ReGenesis
That was a cool idea with the menu pics! LOL
I hugged the Seeker!
gah i totally knew the pictures were from girl next door u knwo i know that... i must had typed it in the wrong area.. i totally knew that no lie.
You just don't wanna go to boot camp, do you?
"Sometimes I think the human species is programmed to look at the bright side of every disaster."
-- David Sandström, ReGenesis
Does that mean I have to think about some "tortures" for boot camp?
I hugged the Seeker!
Not tortures. WE don't torture. More like training exercises.
Your Fairy Chrismother. Keeper of Keith's leather wristband. Keeper of Pocket Anomalies. WWAJD?
Wanna talk to President Obama? Close Gitmo/Open Cuba.
Guess it depends if being strapped to a chair with your eyelids taped open and being subjected to every TV show/movie Chris ever did without break can be called torture. :devil:
"Sometimes I think the human species is programmed to look at the bright side of every disaster."
-- David Sandström, ReGenesis
Well, you wouldn't have to strap me down or tape my eyes open to subject me to that. Sounds more like a little bit of heaven.
And now, after getting back from dropping Elaine at the airport, I need about another two hours of sleep. Talk to whoever shows up in chat later.
Your Fairy Chrismother. Keeper of Keith's leather wristband. Keeper of Pocket Anomalies. WWAJD?
Wanna talk to President Obama? Close Gitmo/Open Cuba.
No, it's not. It's beloved agony.
I hugged the Seeker!
as if.. i didn tknow that was girl next door.. what part of the movie is that from. and i DEF knew that was just friends gah stupid typo:( *crawls into a whole and dies* my life. is officially... my life sucks now
as if.. i didn tknow that was girl next door.. what part of the movie is that from.
It's one of the Mr. Pointy caps. LOL
*crawls into a whole and dies* my life. is officially... my life sucks now
Nah, you did okay. Better than, I bet, most people who visit the site. Shows you've been staring at Chris pictures almost as often and long as we have. :embarrassed:
"Sometimes I think the human species is programmed to look at the bright side of every disaster."
-- David Sandström, ReGenesis
gah i knew he was wearing a white button down i knew it!!
Do we have that screencaps in the Pointy Thread already? LOL
I hugged the Seeker!
I think we do, Anne. If not, we should add it.
"Sometimes I think the human species is programmed to look at the bright side of every disaster."
-- David Sandström, ReGenesis
lmao I took thought about where those pictures were from and checked I would have got the answers right. Except i wouldnt have known the exact JOA episode. I knew it was from there though.
"Nobody calls Han Solo a dirtbag!"
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