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actually, probably only 3. Half-Blood Prince has a release date for November next year and Deathly Hallows is looking at a 2010 release date.
"I don't question your existence." ~ God
that is still a long wait
"Nobody calls Han Solo a dirtbag!"
Woohoo, I just finished Book 6! Yay!!! :dancing:
I can't believe I finished it within a week! I needed such a long time for book 5 ... well, my life was pretty stressy at that time, so maybe that was the reason. And now I am finally going to start with book 7!
I hugged the Seeker!
goo luck with that. I dont have the patience
"Nobody calls Han Solo a dirtbag!"
I've already read eight chapters.
I hugged the Seeker!
I'm in chapter 27. You might just overtake me, Anne.
"Sometimes I think the human species is programmed to look at the bright side of every disaster."
-- David Sandström, ReGenesis
Could happen tomorrow, yeah. I barely left my room today, I was sooo busy with reading. LOL
I hugged the Seeker!
ha I am all alone every is reading Harry Potter. I cheated. I am reading The Ruins though
"Nobody calls Han Solo a dirtbag!"
I'm not reading it. But I know what happens.
Your Fairy Chrismother. Keeper of Keith's leather wristband. Keeper of Pocket Anomalies. WWAJD?
Wanna talk to President Obama? Close Gitmo/Open Cuba.
yeah that is all I wanted out of it
"Nobody calls Han Solo a dirtbag!"
Gah, I wish the paperback would come out earlier ... this "source" I am reading from is full of typos and I think there are sometimes words missing too. But it's nice to see that my English is good enough to realize that. Although it still sucks, of course. I want the real book! NOW!!!
I hugged the Seeker!
hmm I wish I could get you a copy...
"Nobody calls Han Solo a dirtbag!"
Ah well, I have only five chapters to go for tomorrow. I planned to finish tonight, but now it's too late.
I hugged the Seeker!
Woohoo, I just finished! :dancing:
I hugged the Seeker!
Congratulations. How'd you like it?
"I don't question your existence." ~ God
It's a great book. There is just one thing at the end I don't get.
Tina, have you finished the book by now? I'd like to ask you something.
I hugged the Seeker!
I finished it today. And I have to say, I didn't like the ending. I mean the last chapter. Soooo über-cheesy. Really, she should have just stopped before that, at least that would give people more freedom of imagination about how things were gonna go from then on. I'm also not so sure about the whole showdown. I don't really know what I expected, but somehow I expected something different, it seems. What I missed most, at the end, was more interaction between all the characters. Somehow it was just BANG--the fighting's over, there were some losses, but now it's all good and here we are--thank you for reading.
Anne, you better ask me in private, I don't wanna spoil people who might still want to read it.
"Sometimes I think the human species is programmed to look at the bright side of every disaster."
-- David Sandström, ReGenesis
I wanted to ask you in private via mail, but Thunderbird somehow refused to work that day. But then I asked somebody else.
I liked the ending actually. Of course it was cheesy, but I don't mind that. And yeah, I also would have liked a little more interaction between the characters.
I hugged the Seeker!
I'm with you TeeJay, the epilogue just didn't work for me. Far too corny. I loved the rest of the book though, it was definitely one of my favorites from the entire series. I can't decide whether I liked Order of the Phoenix or this last one more, though. I was pretty sad by the end of Deathly Hallows, I've been reading since I was around ten or so, and now there's no new HP book to anticipate . I would have been worse off a few years ago though, back when I had Gryffindor bedsheets.
Well, I heard she's planning on writing an encylopedia that ties up what happened with everybody from the books, so if that happens, it would be a little bit more to look out for.
And I think the epilogue was just because lots of people were gonna want to know what would happen with some of the chracters, so i think she just wrote that so she'd give some people that closure or whatever.
"I don't question your existence." ~ God
And I think the epilogue was just because lots of people were gonna want to know what would happen with some of the chracters, so i think she just wrote that so she'd give some people that closure or whatever.
Yeah, but did it have to be so damn corny???
"Sometimes I think the human species is programmed to look at the bright side of every disaster."
-- David Sandström, ReGenesis
Maybe she thought it would please the Ron/Hermione and Harry/Ginny shippers if she had them end up together.
I actually don't really know if I like the chapter or not. A part of me likes it (that's the cheesy part of me LOL) and the other part doesn't. Hard to explain. But you can always leave that chapter out if you're re-reading the book.
I hugged the Seeker!
i read it too. and i finally managed to see the 5th movie too.
i actually loved the book. yes some stuff was corny and some stuff did not made that much sense but it is a fantasy book about witches and wizards so it's not suppose to make much sense.
the epilougue kind of sucked indeed. the one thing i liked was the fact that one of harry's sons is named albus severus.
but generally i loved the way the characthers where built.
and i was so sad the moment the book ended because , well, because it was all over. and i started crying. but the fact was that i was in the car with my boyfriend ( i am on hollyday right now ). he gets that i am a little silly and he actually bought the book for me all the way from england. but it was kind of hard to explain why i cried. but unfortunatelly for him he showed interest in my emotions so i ended up telling him the whole harry potter story. the pour guy tried to actually seem interested oh, well, he must know the worst about me before the wedding , doesn't he????:P
Last edited by irina (13 Aug 07 :: 02:05)
Hi Irina. Nice to see you. If the fact that you got sad when HP was really over is the "worst" about you, your husband-to-be has nothing to worry about.
I'm not even into the books and I totally understand how you feel.
Your Fairy Chrismother. Keeper of Keith's leather wristband. Keeper of Pocket Anomalies. WWAJD?
Wanna talk to President Obama? Close Gitmo/Open Cuba.
Uhm, Tina, can you answer me one question about the Audio book? I was wondering that the files are so big. I thought they would record it chapter after chapter, but obviously they didn't. Is it like that on your CDs too?
I hugged the Seeker!