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... what would you like to see/have seen him in?
I already wrote this to Deb, but I thought I'd post it for everyone to see.
For me, it would have to be the role of Jean-Baptiste Grenouille from "Perfume: The Story Of A Murderer". Not many people outside of Europe might know the movie, I believe it's gonna hit US screens in December 2006. But it's showing in Germany right now and I watched it today.
I liked the movie, but it got seriously weird in those last 15 or 20 minutes there. But what I did think more than once is that this is one of the first movies where I kept thinking throughout the movie that the role of Jean-Baptiste Grenouille should have been played by Chris. I'm sure he would have been able to pull that off and it would have been sooooo interesting. Because this character was really a conflicted one. Not in the sense that the character itself was conflicted, but in the sense that you as a viewer couldn't really decide if you should admire him, feel sorry for him or despise him.
And the actor that actually played the role was completely unknown to me before today. Ben Wishaw, a Brit. And while he's not exactly a beauty, he had such an interesting and intense air around him. Although... if Chris had played the role, he would have been covered in muck pretty much for most of the movie (it played in 1700-something) and he would have had an ugly red scar running through his right eyebrow. But still, it would have been so interesting. This would truly have been a bad guy, but not in a vicious sense. More in a quiet, psychological sense. And I'm sure Chris could have done it brilliantly. Let's hope he gets to play roles like that in the future that'll even come to German big screens without dubbing.
So, who do you think Chris would rock as, past or upcoming movies/TV shows?
"Sometimes I think the human species is programmed to look at the bright side of every disaster."
-- David Sandström, ReGenesis
We had the TV show thing once on the old board, right?
So here is my list:
TV shows: Grey's Anatomy, Medium, Numb3rs, eventually Lost (I still haven't started watching it ...), and maybe one of those CSI series. Did I forget something?
Movies: Well, I'm not a big fan of remakes, but I could see him playing in remakes of some John Cusack movies, especially Serendipity and Must Love Dogs.
I hugged the Seeker!
Doesn't have to be a remake, Anne. Just a role that you'd like to see him in maybe instead of who they hired for the part. I can't think of anythig right now.
Your Fairy Chrismother. Keeper of Keith's leather wristband. Keeper of Pocket Anomalies. WWAJD?
Wanna talk to President Obama? Close Gitmo/Open Cuba.
I know that it doesn't have to be a remake, I just couldn't find a role of a recent or umpcoming movie, so I took the John Cusack remakes. Have to think about more.
I hugged the Seeker!
Here's one more: Chris instead of Jake Gyllenhall in Donnie Darko. How about that? I can also kinda see him playing David Labraccio (originally played by Kevin Bacon) in Flatliners. And I just relized where I knew Oliver Platt from when I watched Huff. D'oh! Of course! He played Steckle in Flatliners!
"Sometimes I think the human species is programmed to look at the bright side of every disaster."
-- David Sandström, ReGenesis
How about Chris as Frodo in the LOTR series? I'd totally buy him as a hobbit. Or maybe one of the elbs. Because of the ears. LOL
I hugged the Seeker!
How about Chris as Frodo in the LOTR series? I'd totally buy him as a hobbit.
Or maybe one of the elbs. Because of the ears. LOL
In English Elben would be elves. I don't know why they spell it with a B in German, because elf = Elfe. Well, whatever... Maybe they thought it sounded cooler with a B.
Chris as a hobbit? With his hair long, he wouldn't have needed a wig at least. LOL But I do believe he'd make a better elf, actually. He's got the pale skin thing going. But can you imagine him with straight, long (maybe blond) hair? I somehow can't. Which would make it even more interesting.
"Sometimes I think the human species is programmed to look at the bright side of every disaster."
-- David Sandström, ReGenesis
In English Elben would be elves.
Oh yeah, I know that. I must have forgotten about that, sorry.
Chris as a hobbit? With his hair long, he wouldn't have needed a wig at least. LOL But I do believe he'd make a better elf, actually. He's got the pale skin thing going. But can you imagine him with straight, long (maybe blond) hair? I somehow can't. Which would make it even more interesting.
LOL That just made me laugh. No, he wouldn't have needed a wig. Definitely not. LOL
But an elf doesn't have to have blond hair. Remember Arwen? She had dark hair. But no, I can't imagine Chris with straight long hair either. That's why I would go for the hobbit.
I hugged the Seeker!
He could be the first hobbit to wear a toque.
"Sometimes I think the human species is programmed to look at the bright side of every disaster."
-- David Sandström, ReGenesis
Thanks for the much needed giggles.
Your Fairy Chrismother. Keeper of Keith's leather wristband. Keeper of Pocket Anomalies. WWAJD?
Wanna talk to President Obama? Close Gitmo/Open Cuba.
Yeah, the fact with the toque is really funny. LOL
I hugged the Seeker!
And just think of the hairy feet! And what accent would he sport? Something British. Or maybe Irish would be fun. Or Yorkshire English, I love Yorkshire English! One of these days, I have to montage Chris into a hobbit!
Can you hear him say this? "Pippin, come 'ere an' I'll give you a proper whack over the 'ead, you lil' bugger."
"Sometimes I think the human species is programmed to look at the bright side of every disaster."
-- David Sandström, ReGenesis
I definitely have to check out LOTR in English. LOL I have planned this already, but did not have the time yet ...
Some Irish accent would be cool, so I could tell Matt that Chris can speak Irish English. LOL I do not exactly know what Yorkshire English sounds like, but I know some Oxford English, that would be cool too.
Tina, don't forget the toque!
I hugged the Seeker!
As I'm going through the s3 finale of The 4400 to see where I can spot Sean, I was thinking: Wouldn't it be fun to have Chris guest star on The 4400 too? Maybe they could even battle each other. Sean on the one side with the Nova Group and Chris with NTAC and the good guys, hunting him down. Wouldn't that be interesting?
If I find Sean, I'll upload caps and vidcaps later. He should be in that ep somewhere.
"Sometimes I think the human species is programmed to look at the bright side of every disaster."
-- David Sandström, ReGenesis
As I'm going through the s3 finale of The 4400 to see where I can spot Sean, I was thinking: Wouldn't it be fun to have Chris guest star on The 4400 too? Maybe they could even battle each other. Sean on the one side with the Nova Group and Chris with NTAC and the good guys, hunting him down. Wouldn't that be interesting?
That would be very interesting. I would definitely watch it, even though I was never very interested in that show. (Except for the episodes with Sean, of course.)
I hugged the Seeker!
I'd love to see Chris on The 4400. He said he wants to play a superhero, so he'd have to be a 4400. What would his ability be? Sean can shape-shift, what could Chris do?
Your Fairy Chrismother. Keeper of Keith's leather wristband. Keeper of Pocket Anomalies. WWAJD?
Wanna talk to President Obama? Close Gitmo/Open Cuba.
A superhero.... well..... Okay, so he could maybe be able to..... uh...... <thinks hard>
... be able to move very fast, like at the speed of light or something. Or do the X-Men Kurt Wagner thing. Where he just disappears in a whisp of smoke and appears elsewhere in a split second. Would that be over the top for The 4400?
Oh, I also uploaded a clip of Sean on the latest episode. Check out the Eric & Sean section in About Chris. Don't have the link handy right now.
"Sometimes I think the human species is programmed to look at the bright side of every disaster."
-- David Sandström, ReGenesis
... be able to move very fast, like at the speed of light or something. Or do the X-Men Kurt Wagner thing. Where he just disappears in a whisp of smoke and appears elsewhere in a split second. Would that be over the top for The 4400?
If they have people who are able to shapeshift I don't think this is over the top for The 4400. But I don't know for sure, I never watched the show regularly.
I hugged the Seeker!
could be do-able, I guess. Isabel can't be killed. So I guess it's within the realm of possibility for a 4400. Man, maybe we can put that on our list of fics we should write. Like all the Huff fics we've talked about. Thing i, now, after what Chris said about James, I can think of some really cool stuff to do with the character. Hmmmm.
Your Fairy Chrismother. Keeper of Keith's leather wristband. Keeper of Pocket Anomalies. WWAJD?
Wanna talk to President Obama? Close Gitmo/Open Cuba.
We started this thread on Melissa's board, but I feel we need to move some of it over here because we had some good things going.
If Chris was to star on your favorite TV show(s), any TV show(s) (other than JoA), what show would it be and who would he play?
Deb and I had this discussion by e-mail and we thought we'd take it here, see what the others say.
We'd love to see him on "Lost". As to what character, we're not quite sure. If he was to be one of The Others, nah, he'd be all filthy and dirty looking all the time, probably have some sort of face fuzz. No way! He could be one of the plane's passengers that we haven't seen so far, but better yet, let him be a character in someone's back story. But who?
It would also be cool to have him on "24". He could be one of the computer nerds at CTU, couldn't he?
Or what about "Medium"? Deb said this in her e-mail: Well, to get the best out of him, he needs to be tortured. So he'd have to be a victim who comes to Allison or someone who's wrongly accused of killing someone and she helps him. Something like that.
We already discussed in another thread that he should be on "Grey's Anatomy". As a really cute patient or an orderly, preferably.
Who else would love to see him in what?
I am definitely with you on Grey's Anatomy. McEyebrows.
Medium would also be cool I think.
Quote: So he'd have to be a victim who comes to Allison or someone who's wrongly accused of killing someone and she helps him. Something like that.
Tina, you're so horrible! Now I'm sitting here, picturing Chris sitting in a jail cell in an orange jumpsuit, silently suffering in solitude! Aaaah! So much for the INEEDTOHUGHIM Syndrome!!!
Well, actually the Medium thing was from Deb, so go yell at her.
I will. Deeeeeb!!!
Well, he's always best when he's in pain! Not my fault he's so great with the heavy emotions.
I have to admit that I agree with you. What would we do without our substitute agony also called television? Because Deb and I have been discussing that we must enjoy watching these characters being in pain so much because it's a form of substitue agony, one that we don't have to experience on a personal level. That kinda makes sense, doesn't it?
Maybe it's the same for the actors when they play something like that.
Makes me wanna watch that Miracles episode again. <sigh>
Quote: We'd love to see him on "Lost"
Yep. Same here. I think a backstory would be best, personally. Whose? Not sure, have to think on it.
I'm trying to think of shows I like that are still on TV.
Without A Trace perhaps. He could be involved with one of the cases, e.g father disappeared. I suppose that would be very miracles-esque, however you won't hear me complaining, I love miracles style chris.
I don't watch Greys, but of course I would if he were to appear, and quite frankly I'd watch any show he was on.
Yeah, Without A Trace is also one of the shows I watch regularly. Just the other day I was talking about Michael Welch having been a guest-star not long ago. Actually, it would also have been interesting if Chris had played Michael's part. He was a nasty, vicious little bully in that episode, and he managed to pull that off quite well. I bet Chris would have too.
The more I think about this, the more I wanna see Chris play a bad guy some time. Someone who's neither lovable nor huggable or tortured or cute. Someone you don't feel sorry for and love to hate. Wouldn't that be interesting?
He could be the bad guy in that WAT episode. Someone who kidnaps and tortures someone (whom the FBI guys will then be looking for). I wanna see Fierce-Chris--just once.
And you can shake hands with Deb, Susanna, she also doesn't watch Grey's Anatomy. But I already got Anne to watch it, I'm quite sure I'm gonna get Deb to watch it too. Right, Deb? <insert devilish grinning smiley which we don't have here> It's such a cute little show, I just love the mixture of drama, medicine and humor. And characters are all pretty real. Right down to jerk Alex, whom you constantly wanna smack in the head for either being a jerk or a jackass. Or is that the same thing? Never mind. Not all the guys can be as sweet as Adam. Or George, for that matter...
Now, can we collect some more suggestions and then send them to Chris's agent? LOL (Just kidding.)
Quote: Well, he's always best when he's in pain! Not my fault he's so great with the heavy emotions.
Yeah, I know! I like him very much as the typical tragic hero ... but I have to say, I agree with TeeJay, I`d like to see him once as a "bad guy", like Michael Welch in WAT. That would have been very interesting with Chris, I think.
Ooooh, Grey`s Anatomy!!! I can tell you, from the moment I watched the pilot episode, I was completely obsessed with that show. And I love George. (I am soooo predictable, huh? :lol )
About Lost ... well, I still do not watch Lost at the moment, because after I watched the pilot episodes in german I tried to watch it in English, but had too much of understanding problems. But I will do a second try soon, I think.
Suggestions for Chris's Agent? Well, here are mine:
1) Medium - a guy who is accused for murdering his girlfriend and Allison has to help him prove that he is innocent.
2) Grey`s Anatomy - a cute patient or a (very cute) orderly.
3) WAT - either the bad or the good guy. I like the idea of the missing father ... but then the father has to be played by John Cusack and John Cusack doesn`t appear in TV shows, huh?
I had another idea. He should be on CSI:! Preferably the Las Vegas variety (it's my favorite--the only one that I still watch, in fact).
What could he play? One of the lab guys (ooooh, recurring role!). Kind of like Greg Sanders' replacement. I don't dig the chick they put there now. But I love Archie! There's no replacing Archie, not even by Chris. Hodges... well, he's kinda annoying, but I still like him. In an adverse kind of way. I also like the bullets guy. I don't really want any of them replaced.
Chris could play.... a new coroner? Ewww, gross. I don't want him handling dead bodies. Maybe a rookie cop? And it would be a nice tie-in because his brother Eric was on CSI: once.
Nah, the coroner thing won't work, I think.
I like the idea of the rookie cop. That means he has to wear one of those "hot" uniforms! LOL
I`ll think of more soon.
Oh YES! LOL I think he'd look really good in black. (Drool Towel Alert!!) Come to think of it, he should have been on "Third Watch". Shame that show's over now. Another really good one that I enjoyed tremendously. Why else would I call my laptop "Bosco"?
Okay, I said I'd like to see Chris in a cop uniform. I photoshopped him into one. Not my greatest work yet, but it'll do for a bit of harmless fun. And, yes, the head is out of a picture from the infamous Huff episode. Not sure I really dig the cop look. Maybe I just took the wrong pic(s). But I had very little work with since I had to make the Brendan cap from Third Watch myself (couldn't find any workable ones on the 'net) and I had to quickly find a pic of Chris where he was holding the head in the right position.
Anyways, here you go, sir, yes, sir:
(will post pic as soon as I find it)
This is a little different, but I just learned a couple of days ago that there's going to be a new Star Trek movie in 2008. I asked Dave if he knew which cast they were going to use. He said none of them; it's going to be about Kirk and Spock in their academy years. I wasn't too thrilled with that idea. He said, "You would be if Chris Marquette was in, playing Kirk or something, wouldn't you?" I said instantly, "No, he'd be better as Spock." Uh-oh. Now, I'm kinda stuck on that idea. How cool would that be? Of course, they'd have to mess with ihs eyebrows, TeeJay, so...
LOL! Actually, I heard about the Star Trek movie at the Trek-Dinner on Friday too. And I'm not too thrilled either, especially since TOS is my least favorite of the Treks. Guess I'm a little too young to appreciate it fully. I was always a Trekker of the 90's.
Chris as Spock?? Hm..... I dunno. Yeah, well, the eyebrows would definitely have to be tweaked. But, yeah, I can see him more as Spock than as Kirk. I guess we'd like to see him as the reserved, quiet guy who chooses his words carefully, rather than the outgoing, buff guy chasing all the women, huh? Do I detect a challenge here? Guess it's also the hair. If he were to play Kirk, they'd have to dye his hair brown. Now there's an interesting thought. LOL
And if he were to play Spock, then there'd be more "elfin ears" than there already is. Come to think of it, wouldn't he have made a good hobbit? I can totally see him pulling off a Frodo or a maybe more of a Merry or Pippin. Always with the mischief. And they might not even have had to make him wear a wig.
Yes, he would've made an excellent hobbit! And hey, I'm happy to offer the Spock idea as a challenge, if you think you're up to it. I think I'll be stuck on the idea till I know who Paramount actually ends up casting.
He could totally do it! I doubt htat they will try to cast people who look exactly like Shatner and Nimoy. So Chris would be close enough. Nimoy doesn't have an adorable cleft in his chin like Chris, but that's the only mismatch of features that really stands out.
It's not so much that I want to see Chris play yet another reserved character. I don't think Young Spock would be all that reserved. It took him years to come to terms with his human side and learn the Vulcan way of controlling it. I think Young Spock would probably be a volatile tangle of emotions. Should be a really fun role to play.
That just made me laugh. I remember, when I was watching LOTR 3 I thought about Chris playing Frodo. Or maybe one of the elves. The poined ears, you know?
Young Spock? Nice idea. This should indeed be fun.
And I also thought about an episode of Numb3rs recently, but according to that interview from November (was it November?) he`s done with TV now, so ... :\
Quote: And hey, I'm happy to offer the Spock idea as a challenge, if you think you're up to it. I think I'll be stuck on the idea till I know who Paramount actually ends up casting.
Actually, I meant it would be a challenge for either us to get used to the thought of Chris playing Young Kirk or a challenge for him to do so and actually pull it off believably. But if you want me to make Chris look like Young Spock.... let me see what I can come up with later this week. Don't feel like doing that right now for some reason. Chris and Star Trek somehow don't belong together in my line of sight. And I don't know why that is.
Quote: And I also thought about an episode of Numb3rs recently, but according to that interview from November (was it November?) he`s done with TV now, so ...
He didn't say he was done with TV, that's what the author of the article said. Something like, "It looks as though his TV days are over." Chris said he's more interested in doing movies than TV. He didn't say he wouldn't do any more TV. Let's not twist his words, shall we? I'd like to think that if a challenging TV character (something like James?) came along, he wouldn't refuse it. At least I hope not.
As I watched Entourage tonight, I realized it would be incredibly fun and cool to see Chris appear as himself on this show or Unscripted. I'd just love to see him play some version of himself on one of these verite' shows. And both Entourage and Unscripted are excellent!
"Sometimes I think the human species is programmed to look at the bright side of every disaster."
-- David Sandström, ReGenesis
Wow, some neat ideas here!
As I said in the Lost thread, I'd love to see him play a character there. He could be on Medium, or Numb3rs, either one, and I'd be happy. He could be a patient on Grey's Anatomy, as suggested, (maybe a recurring patient) because he'd get more screentime than as an orderly. Now, of course George is my favorite character on Grey's, because he reminds me of Adam in the future, if Adam had gone to medical school. I'm writing this huge cross-universe project where both Adam and George are characters -- they're not related in my story, though they're friends and roommates, along with a couple of other characters, and I designed the world's best bachelor pad for them. To me, George looks a lot like Adam's older brother, or Adam as he might look 10 years or so after JoA.
So, a challenge: Does anyone want to write a story where George is Adam's long-lost cousin or relative of some sort? If something happened to Carl (face it, the man did not look at all well in Common Thread), and since Adam's still too young to live on his own, and he wouldn't want to live with the Girardi's (can you say 'awkward'?), he wants to get away from Arcadia, and the mess with Joan and everyone who now either hates him or is uncomfortable around him. So he gets this offer to go live with his previously-unknown cousin in Washington, and works part-time at the hospital when he's not in school (much like his character on Strong Medicine did). Of course, that would also mean he's related to George's brothers, Dumb and Dumber, but they can be left out of things. Oh, since both Adam and George are into Dungeons & Dragons, I added that to their storyline in my project. I think they have more in common that we realize!
Don't mind me, it's just my imagination running wild, and I don't have the time to do anything with this idea.
I'm planning on seeing "Perfume: The Story of a Murderer" anyway, because I read the book years ago and it was fascinating. Plus, Alan Rickman plays a part, which doesn't hurt. Chris might be a bit young for that part, but maybe not. Like I said, it's been a long time since I've read it, so I don't recall the character's age that well.
I've had many ideas in the past for roles that would be good for Chris, but I can't think of any more at the moment. I'll add them when they come back to me!
Shrams, that Grey's/Joan crossover idea sounds great. I'm pretty sure TeeJay would agree. We love George too. You should definitely write that ASAP and we'd love to read it! :-)
Your Fairy Chrismother. Keeper of Keith's leather wristband. Keeper of Pocket Anomalies. WWAJD?
Wanna talk to President Obama? Close Gitmo/Open Cuba.
Hey, not only TeeJay would agree, I would also! I love Grey's Anatomy! A Joan/GA crossover sounds awesome! Maybe not as George's cousin, but as a cute patient or something.
And I also would love to see him on Numb3rs or Medium, like I said before.
I hugged the Seeker!
Oh, gee, I love that crossover idea too. Fact is, though... I have my hands full with the story(ies) I'm already working on and the website. Don't think I could take on another project right now. I mean, I can hardly keep up with what's already on my plate. And I can totally see Chris playing a patient because I'm seeing all those pictures of Chris in the hospital bed with the oxygen mask from Fanboys. Deb and Anne, you know what I mean, right?
Just for the record: George is my fave on GA too. I always seem to be going for the sensitive guys with a good heart. Never cared much for the tough guys like Alex. Plus he's a real jerk. Not so much this season, but season two didn't give him a lot of credit points.
In our interview, Chris said that he almost did a guest role on ER this season. Man, I wish that could have happened. We'd all be happy campers. I really wanna know what role that would have been, so we can keep a lookout and imagine what it would have been like if it had been him. It sounded like he said he auditioned or applied for the role but then had to cancel it before they told him if they were gonna consider him or not.
Don't think Chris would have been too old to play the guy on Perfume. I already forgot his name, I have a terrible memory for names (I'm good with numbers, though). I never read the book, but in the movie it seemed like he was someone in his early to mid twenties. Chris played a 25-year-old in Fanboys, he certainly would have been able to pull that off. And you will have to wait another two months see that movie. Must be the first time in history that I've seen a movie in the theater earlier than you guys. Alan Rickman is also a favorite of mine. Liked him a lot in Perfume.
"Sometimes I think the human species is programmed to look at the bright side of every disaster."
-- David Sandström, ReGenesis
Deb and Anne, you know what I mean, right?
I guess I do. It's kinda the same here.
And yeah, George is my favorite too. I don't like Alex that much, but it's not that I would hate him. He's just ... there.
As for this Perfume Murder movie ... I don't think I'd watch this movie, with Chris in it or not. I once wanted to read the book but then I read a summary and it was ... too weird for me. So I have no interest in that movie.
But I would watch Chris in ER again, of course.
I hugged the Seeker!