#1 18 Aug 07 :: 03:26

La Dorquetta de Prima
From: Atlanta, GA
Registered: 23 Jul 06
Posts: 21,558

Sean Marquette on Monk

Sean looks so good in the Monk ep!  He's really fit and he's growing his sideburns long.  His face is getting angular like Chris's the more he works out.  Unfortunately, he's not the main kid as I hoped.  But he's in it a lot so far.  Awww, he's got the hots for Natalie.  How cute.

Riley: "Wanna go behind that tree and makeout?"

Natalie: "No thank you."

"How 'bout that tree?"


More to come...

Your Fairy Chrismother.  Keeper of Keith's leather wristband.  Keeper of Pocket Anomalies.  WWAJD?
REPORT BROKEN LINKS info@chris-marquette.com  http://www.facebook.com/home.php?ref=ho … ef=profile 
Wanna talk to President Obama?  http://www.whitehouse.gov/CONTACT/  Close Gitmo/Open Cuba.


#2 18 Aug 07 :: 15:15

Admin Dorquette™
From: Germany
Registered: 23 Jul 06
Posts: 10,412

Re: Sean Marquette on Monk

I screencapped Sean in the episode. He gets ample screentime in the first half of the episode. smile

You can see the 155 caps I made right here:
http://www.chris-marquette.com/gallery/ … ?album=158

Vidcaps to follow.


"Sometimes I think the human species is programmed to look at the bright side of every disaster."
-- David Sandström, ReGenesis


#3 18 Aug 07 :: 15:38

Dorquette vom Dienst
From: Pforzheim, Germany (BW)
Registered: 23 Jul 06
Posts: 8,829

Re: Sean Marquette on Monk

The caps look interesting.

I hugged the Seeker!


#4 18 Aug 07 :: 18:01

Admin Dorquette™
From: Germany
Registered: 23 Jul 06
Posts: 10,412

Re: Sean Marquette on Monk

Vidcaps to be found here:

::: Clip 1
::: Clip 2
::: Clip 3
::: Clip 4
::: Clip 5


"Sometimes I think the human species is programmed to look at the bright side of every disaster."
-- David Sandström, ReGenesis


#5 18 Aug 07 :: 18:20

Dorquette vom Dienst
From: Pforzheim, Germany (BW)
Registered: 23 Jul 06
Posts: 8,829

Re: Sean Marquette on Monk

Wow, that was cool. Sean was really great. And I finally got to see something original from Monk. I sometimes watch the dubbed version, but it's only half of the fun.
There is one thing I had to grin about, when that guy was holding the map with "BBQ" on it, because BBQ is also the abbreviation for that origanization thingy I got my internship from. It's called "Berufliche Bildung und Qualifikation" which means something like "Professional Education and Qualification". So it's not always about Barbecue. wink

I hugged the Seeker!


#6 18 Aug 07 :: 21:06

La Dorquetta de Prima
From: Atlanta, GA
Registered: 23 Jul 06
Posts: 21,558

Re: Sean Marquette on Monk

You almost capped the exact shot I hoped you would.  When Sean's checking himself out in his new threads.  There's a split second where he pulls the coat back a little and it pulls his t-shirt tight against his chest and you can see how the body-building is paying off.  He's got great pecs!

You can almost see it here...


PS: Milk is really cheap at that store!  It's like a dollar more a gallon here.

Your Fairy Chrismother.  Keeper of Keith's leather wristband.  Keeper of Pocket Anomalies.  WWAJD?
REPORT BROKEN LINKS info@chris-marquette.com  http://www.facebook.com/home.php?ref=ho … ef=profile 
Wanna talk to President Obama?  http://www.whitehouse.gov/CONTACT/  Close Gitmo/Open Cuba.


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