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I love this new season of Supernatural. I've been laughing like a crazy person for most of the episodes. This is the funniest bit:
And not just funny, the storyline is getting more and more intersting. That angel-dude is hothothot. And Jared Padalecki is getting hotter every year.. Not a boy anymore, smoking hot Man. Jensen is pretty hunky too.
Any other Supernatural fans here? I tried checking but I guess there's no Supernatural-thread yet, atleast on Square eyes.
Hey, here's a question. If Chris was to quest star in this show, in what role would you like to see him in? I'd say maybe another hunter. He would make a pretty good bad guy too, maybe a demon or one of those black-eyed posessed people. What do you think?
Don't know. Never seen the show.
Your Fairy Chrismother. Keeper of Keith's leather wristband. Keeper of Pocket Anomalies. WWAJD?
Wanna talk to President Obama? Close Gitmo/Open Cuba.
Sorry, I haven't seen the show either...
"Sometimes I think the human species is programmed to look at the bright side of every disaster."
-- David Sandström, ReGenesis
I've only seen parts of this show in German. I hate Jared Padalecki's (spelling?) dubbing voice, so I never really watched it.
I hugged the Seeker!
Oh, it must suck dubbed. Sam and Dean have such sexy voices it's almost half the reason to watch the show. Maybe you guys can find it somewhere online. I'll bet in US you can find it on WB's site. I highly recommend. The show keeps getting better and vetter every year.
I could try, but at the moment I am online and watching Private Practise. (Yes, I can do that at the same time.)
I hugged the Seeker!
Um.. I'm sure you're not totally suprised to hear that one of the reasons I like this show is because of all the funny dirty talk. I just saw the latest episode and had to write this down and share.
And it isn't even the funniest thing I've seen on this show.
Watch it... You'll like it..
Supernatural 4x10
Sam: When she was two and a half she got hysterical every time her dad got close. She was convinced that he wasn't her real daddy.
Dean: Who was? The plummer? Hm? Little snake In the pipes?
Sam: Dude, you're confusing reality with porn again.
That's pretty funny!
Your Fairy Chrismother. Keeper of Keith's leather wristband. Keeper of Pocket Anomalies. WWAJD?
Wanna talk to President Obama? Close Gitmo/Open Cuba.
Shawn gave me the first season DVDs Whinnie had bought for me for Christmas... well, more for my birthday but we weren't gonna see each other until November so it was gonna be a combined gift. I just haven't been able to watch it yet. I know she loved the show.
this is one of my favorite shows, ever! I even got to be in a sci fi magazine this month because I love it so much!
Chris could totally play a hunter-type! hunter types always have dark/traumatic pasts- chris is awesome at that- also, would love to see him running around with weapons again... oooh- speaking latin? the more I think about this the more I want it... he needs to get himself up to Vancouver and start shooting now! haha
Hehe That would be great!
I love this series too. One of the few that my hubby likes too. He likes to keep his TV shows in minimum. So he only watched SG-series on repeat and Supernatural. He liked couple of others too.
those are some pretty awesome shows to get into though!
ooh- new idea for Chris character... he could be an Angel or someone who used to be an angel's host or a demon's host and has lost everything? oooh drama! Though I would love to see him being devious...
now picturing him in an epic fight with Dean... starts off as a real fight and ends up with them going shot for shot at a bar talking about nothing...
once RDA is gone, yes? I love o'neill... and little Mikey welch playing mini-o'neill was awesome!
I am a genius, this is how my brain works- unfortunately I only use my powers for evil and for the imagining of awesome guys in TV and Movies... anything else just isn't worth it
maybe... for some unknown reason Chris could be the 'meatsuit' for Sam and Dean's little brother? like... he has to possess someone in order to be around... and then he could be the littlest Winchester! ... he'd be both over protected and naive at the same time as slightly apart from them because of the lack of shared experience and years of bonding?
the last 2 seasons of SG1 were originally going to be an entirely new series, but they changed it into season 9 SG1. In a way, it was forced.
Oh I didn't know that. Explains a lot.
Heh. If Chris were playing the littlest Winchester's meatsuit, he'd be namd Adam again! I don't know about that character being over protected. Sam and Dean had kinda conflicted emotions on their half-bro. But he could definately play some angel's or demon's meatsuit :drool: He'd be great under the awesome production that is Supernatural crew. They never fail! Every actor is at their best when they visit Supernatural. It must have something to do with the directing and whatnot. No bad acting at all. or over-acting. I'd love Chris to have some of that.
well, yes- there would be friction- at the start. the poor thing was being pulled in all directions! hes as much the victim as they. And especially Dean would always be conflicted about being mean to him- because hes so big on family and stuff
I confess it- I love the name Adam! I love the names and characters on Supernatural- Adam is such a good name too! the *first* name
I recently watched the ep that Amber Benson was in and it's the only one I've watched the show since the pilot. I definitely think they used her brilliantly and she did a fantastic job. It defied expectation and I love that.
Your Fairy Chrismother. Keeper of Keith's leather wristband. Keeper of Pocket Anomalies. WWAJD?
Wanna talk to President Obama? Close Gitmo/Open Cuba.
Supernatural is a great show. been a fan since season 1! I love the amber benson episode. I also love the episode "roadkill' with Tricia Helfer from Battleestar Galactica. I think my favorite seasons are 2 & 3. I think Chris would make a great sidekick angel to Castiel.
This is one of the best TV shows ever made. One of them that keep on getting reruns for decades. Like Buffy. You should all watch it. Season 4 is the best one in many opinions, including Eric Kripke's. A book about it was just published: … -the-show/
Any body have any clue where Castiel character's is going to be in this season? I can't tell. He just suddenly reappered inthe past episode. I feel like this season has a been a bit more strange than the last season. I need to fit the pieces together better.
This is definitely one show that I still miss. Is it sad that I am excited about the prospect of having the entire season to watch once I have finished traveling the world?
-- Kate
"I will mix my tongue with strings and drums, and give my soul away " --
Castiel is in Heaven being the big sheriff in town while all the angels are going crazy over the prophecy not playing out right. total anarchy up there, and Cas is trying to clean up the mess and maintain order. Stepping into Michael's mighty shoes. he comes down to Earth when Dean calls for him and Cas thinks he's got something to offer (but not every time). sometimes he's just too busy. I just read A Misha-interview where he said something along the lines "I've got a new baby so I guess the writers/producers wanted to give me time to enjoy and adjust to that in the beginning of the season, but now I'm gonna be in about every other episode".
Seems to me like this season they're trying to go back to their roots (monster of the week, father figure issues, brotherly relationship chaos) and put a new spin on it. Since all loose ends were tied last season, they're coming up with new ones and trying to build them into proper story lines that will be tied up by the end of this season. last season. Kripke (creator) has stepped down and given the show's producing to Sera Gamble. Kripke used to be big bad Producer and Sera did some minor producing before. swicharoo. kinda looks like they're trying to say Kripke hasn't washed is hands off of it completely but he might be. It's still a pretty good show. they haven't f'd it up as bad as I feared.
very sad about the way this season is going. Hope plot picks up soon. I agree that the show is trying to get back to its original roots, but it still not as enjoyable to watch as it once was before. I know Dean has no soul but does it mean it has to be poorly acted? Sorry if its a strong statement to some, but I feel like Padelecki is coasting through right now but Ackles is still hanging in strong with his character.
I did like the skinwalkers episode, that's been about the only one so far. The X Files mocking on the last episode was a little too cheasy for me to handle although I feel like it was a good episode for the brothers to feel like 'brothers' again.
Last edited by EOcean214 (26 Nov 10 :: 01:35)