#1 18 Sep 06 :: 15:03

Admin Dorquette™
From: Germany
Registered: 23 Jul 06
Posts: 10,412

Anne, Deb and Tina ::: Who We Are

You can also find this on our website, but I thought we should post this here as well, because it explains who we (as in the webmasters of this little website) are:

So you wanna know who's running this site? There's three of us (all women, in case you haven't guessed) and just to give you an idea, Samsy-Marie (= Anne) is 20-something, TeeJay (= Tina) is 30-something and Sisterdebmac (= Deb) is... older. smile Two of us are from Germany (Samsy-Marie and TeeJay) and one of us is from Georgia in the US (Sisterdebmac), hence the bilingualism of the site. Why are we running this site? Simple answer: Because we need to. What good is it if we obsess about the great actor that is Chris Marquette in private? How frustrating is it that we have all these great goodies and can't share them with the public except on some remote message board that only few people ever look at? That's when we decided it was time we opened our own site and had a place for people to stop by if they wanted to know what Chris is and was up to and find lots of goodies if they were craving that.
A lot of time and effort went into the site, and we hope you understand that we can't always devote all our time next to our full-time jobs in real life to it. However, we will still and always strive to update this site as frequently as possible and do the best that we can. That's the beauty of having three people to take care of things.

Largely responsible for all the technical stuff is TeeJay, she designed the layout of the site and set everything up. (Thanks go out to Searge for all the help on PHP-related issues!) If you have complaints about any of that or have anything else to say to her, contact her at teejay@chris-marquette.com. She's into webdesign and fiddling with images and designs and basically lives for playing around with that stuff. In real life she works with a German pharmaceutical company. She loves hanging out with friends, reading, good movies, the English language, playing dead on her couch, cats, writing and reading fan fiction, rock music and Chris Marquette's eyebrows. She hates hay fever, people who are disrespectful or unjust, computers that crash for no reason, people who can't spell for the life of them but still post their fan fiction stories without a spell check, caraway seeds and gooey songs.

Next up is Sisterdebmac, who's written a lot of stuff for the site and is the authority on movie scripts and things surrounding them. She's also a really good beta-reader for just about anything, (fan) fiction or non-fiction, articles or recaps. In real life she works for a corporate promotions company in Atlanta, Georgia. You can e-mail her at sisterdebmac@chris-marquette.com. She loves Adam Rove's hair, baseball, her furry children (2 dogs, 1 cat) and her new computer speakers because they make Chris sound so damn sexy. She hates the jerks at IMDb who litter the boards with inanity and swill and waiting for Chris's movies to come out.

Last but not least we have Samsy-Marie, who earned her nickname for dyeing her hair red at one point (there's a red-haired children's character in Germany called "The Sams"). She's into media design and came up with a lot of input for the site and had some really cool ideas. The German part of the page is mostly run by her with the help of TeeJay. She finished training as a media designer and isn't afraid to show others that you don't have to hide if you're different, since she was born with Sturge-Weber syndrome. Her e-mail is samsy-marie@chris-marquette.com. She loves being online, painting, reading good books, watching good movies and TV shows, listening to good music, meeting her friends, chocolate, Chris Marquette's hair and improving her English skills, especially with something that has Chris and his original voice in it. She hates asparagus, people who post inappropriate things on message boards or are mean, being pitied by others, not finding the right words in any language and the Arbeitsamt (the German speaking population will know what that is).

The three of us met on the message board of Melissa's christopher-marquette.com site and we've been inseparable since. We even have a name for ourselves: The Dorquettes (as in female version of dork, as in fangirl). We've had long e-mail conversations, internet chats, we've even met in person. The big meeting took place in October 2008 in LA when finally, Samsy-Marie and Sisterdebmac met it person, too.
And you wouldn't believe the fun we've had and the crazy things we've done. Fabric-painting drool towels, t-shirts, putting Joan of Arcadia stickers in our cars, driving friends mad with talking for hours on end about Chris Marquette. Yeah, well... we admit that we're obsessed. But we love it. So, if you do wanna get to know us more, join in and talk with us or write us an e-mail. Constructive criticism is always welcome, obsessing along even more so.


"Sometimes I think the human species is programmed to look at the bright side of every disaster."
-- David Sandström, ReGenesis


#2 04 Dec 06 :: 01:34

Admin Dorquette™
From: Germany
Registered: 23 Jul 06
Posts: 10,412

Re: Anne, Deb and Tina ::: Who We Are

There's something I've been meaning to add to this.

First Chris sighting: ER, episode 6x12, back when it first aired here in Germany. Chris went pretty much unrecognized, other than being "that kid who injected himself with growth hormones".
First conscious Chris sighting: Joan of Arcadia, episode 1x02
First sign of serious Chris infatuation: Probably Joan of Arcadia, episode 2x19. I mean, I always loved the Joan/Adam pairing. One of the main reasons I watched the show, at least after the first half of season 1. But both Amber and Chris just blew me away in Trial & Error. It was after that that I started to look into what Chris had been doing before and who he was. I think I started posting on Melissa's board a while later. Met Anne on the joanofarcadia.net message board, and on Melissa's site I met Deb. Thus the Dorquettes were born.

The whole thing kinda developed its own life after that, and finally we put up the website and then met Chris in person. This is all still somehow beyond my comprehension, the set of lucky circumstances that keep happening to us. But, hey, I'm not complaining. smile


"Sometimes I think the human species is programmed to look at the bright side of every disaster."
-- David Sandström, ReGenesis


#3 04 Dec 06 :: 02:36

La Dorquetta de Prima
From: Atlanta, GA
Registered: 23 Jul 06
Posts: 21,558

Re: Anne, Deb and Tina ::: Who We Are

My journey is similar.  I had seen the Judging Amy ep and the Boston Public ep, so when he popped up on Joan, I thought, oh yeah, I know that kid.  He's good.  Cute too.  And it was also Trial & Error that made me hit the net, looking for anything and everything I could find about him.  The rest, as they say, is Dorquette history.


Your Fairy Chrismother.  Keeper of Keith's leather wristband.  Keeper of Pocket Anomalies.  WWAJD?
REPORT BROKEN LINKS info@chris-marquette.com  http://www.facebook.com/home.php?ref=ho … ef=profile 
Wanna talk to President Obama?  http://www.whitehouse.gov/CONTACT/  Close Gitmo/Open Cuba.


#4 04 Dec 06 :: 10:16

Dorquette vom Dienst
From: Pforzheim, Germany (BW)
Registered: 23 Jul 06
Posts: 8,829

Re: Anne, Deb and Tina ::: Who We Are

My journey is similar, too, I just have to replace the ER ep with the Judging Amy ep. A few years later they brought JoA to Germany and I started to watch it, so this is were I got interested in that guy who played Adam. Special thanks to imdb, which made realize that he`s also the guy who accidently shot his sister on Judging Amy (my favorite TV show next to JoA).

I hugged the Seeker!


#5 05 Feb 07 :: 14:59

Admin Dorquette™
From: Germany
Registered: 23 Jul 06
Posts: 10,412

Re: Anne, Deb and Tina ::: Who We Are

I have two more things to add:
Sure sign of serious Chris infatuation: Buying the Freddy vs. Jason DVD even though I hated the movie, because I knew there were deleted scenes on it that featured Chris. To my defense, I found the DVD on a bargain table for only 5 EUR. wink
Best Chris moment so far: Meeting him in person at the set of Revenge of the Nerds in October 2006.


"Sometimes I think the human species is programmed to look at the bright side of every disaster."
-- David Sandström, ReGenesis


#6 05 Feb 07 :: 15:25

Dorquette vom Dienst
From: Pforzheim, Germany (BW)
Registered: 23 Jul 06
Posts: 8,829

Re: Anne, Deb and Tina ::: Who We Are

Mmmmh, then I could say:
Sure sign of serious Chris infatuation: Watching Freddy vs. Jason two times IN GERMAN!!!
Best Chris moment so far: Receiving his original autograph (personalized!)

I hugged the Seeker!


#7 05 Feb 07 :: 17:19

La Dorquetta de Prima
From: Atlanta, GA
Registered: 23 Jul 06
Posts: 21,558

Re: Anne, Deb and Tina ::: Who We Are

Ooooh, my turn!

Sure sign of serious Chris infatuation: Buying and WEARING his leather wristband from Alpha Dog (and getting it autographed).
Best Chris moment so far: One little scruffy-faced peck on the cheek while he held my hand in his.


Your Fairy Chrismother.  Keeper of Keith's leather wristband.  Keeper of Pocket Anomalies.  WWAJD?
REPORT BROKEN LINKS info@chris-marquette.com  http://www.facebook.com/home.php?ref=ho … ef=profile 
Wanna talk to President Obama?  http://www.whitehouse.gov/CONTACT/  Close Gitmo/Open Cuba.


#8 17 Aug 09 :: 20:31

Dorquette vom Dienst
From: Pforzheim, Germany (BW)
Registered: 23 Jul 06
Posts: 8,829

Re: Anne, Deb and Tina ::: Who We Are

I felt free to update this thread a little (since Deb and I also met in person by now). And while I was at it, I realized that I can update this too:

Samsy wrote:

Mmmmh, then I could say:
Sure sign of serious Chris infatuation: Watching Freddy vs. Jason two times IN GERMAN!!!
Best Chris moment so far:Getting the chance to tell him in person what The Tic Code means to me and finally GETTING THE DVD SIGNED!!!

(Sorry. I know it's been almost a year now but sometimes I still have a fangirl moment about it. big_smile)

I hugged the Seeker!


#9 17 Aug 09 :: 20:41

La Dorquetta de Prima
From: Atlanta, GA
Registered: 23 Jul 06
Posts: 21,558

Re: Anne, Deb and Tina ::: Who We Are

Hey, I do too.  wink

Your Fairy Chrismother.  Keeper of Keith's leather wristband.  Keeper of Pocket Anomalies.  WWAJD?
REPORT BROKEN LINKS info@chris-marquette.com  http://www.facebook.com/home.php?ref=ho … ef=profile 
Wanna talk to President Obama?  http://www.whitehouse.gov/CONTACT/  Close Gitmo/Open Cuba.


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