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Cool video. I used to be completely fascinated by UFO's and aliens. I can remember sometimes always looking up in the sky waiting to see something.
Current Member. Future Star. :silly:
Ever wanted to see Chris as a Chippendale? Today is your lucky day;
:youdaman: :grovel:
R.I.P. Hazel. Life has lost something special now.
Since UFO's were brought up I thought it might be interesting to see what things people do or don't believe in.
I think the following do exist.
1. UFO's
2. Aliens
3. Bigfoot
4. Ghosts (But I think they aren't actually spirits, but more like images of the past somehow being seen today)
5. Bermuda Triangle
I don't believe these exist:
1. Loch Ness Monster (Too little food supply to feed it, and too large to not have been found by now)
2. Demonic possessions
3. Chupacabra (or however it's spelled)
4. The Mothman
5. Crop Circles (I think all are man made)
I'm so there are others, but my mind is a blank right now.
I think it's pretty ridiculous to not believe in aliens, or life outside of the earth. When you think about how huge the universe is and how small the earth is in comparison, thinking we're alone here just doesn't seem plausible.
I believe in life outside of Earth. Not too sure whether i belive in them looking like something of the X Files.
However, i definately believe in ghosts, as in walking spirits.
Current Member. Future Star. :silly:
Ever wanted to see Chris as a Chippendale? Today is your lucky day;
:youdaman: :grovel:
R.I.P. Hazel. Life has lost something special now.
I've been fascinated with UFOs and all things esoteric literally since I saw Escape To Witch Mountain at the ripe old age of 11. I then read Chariots Of The Gods and it my mind blew wide open. I wanted to believe in it all. I've never lost my fascination for this stuff. Whitley Strieber is my favorite witer. After spending more than 30 years reading everything I could get my hands on and watching every movie and show about this stuff that I could find, here's what I know...
1) Out of body experiences are absolutely real. I had one once and it was the most remarkable, most terrifying, uplifting and mind-expanding thing that ever happened to me. I had this feeling of flying through space, toward something, but I didn't need a spaceship. I was part of the very fabric of the Universe. But I got scared and rushed back into my body. The entire thing lasted several minutes, maybe 15 or so, but for the last few seconds, I felt like I just scratched the surface of the truth a tiny little bit with the tip of my pinky fingernail. That was all I could handle at the time.
2) Because of my OBE, I can say that God is absolutely real, but not the way most people think. God is the Universe. Ever since the "Big Bang", all any of us have ever wanted --- whether we understand it or not --- is to get back to a oneness with that energy that we call God. And that's what happens when we die. We go back there. But we can come back here too, if we feel we're not finished...
3) Reincarnation is very real. Souls recycle. Not always in the form of reincarnation, but it's possible if you choose it. Basically, one of three things happens to a spirit, it returns to God, it hangs around, or it reincarnates. Because...
4) Spirits (or souls) cannot be destroyed. They are conscious electro-magnetic energy. There are various kinds of hauntings and they all come out of this energy field. Some hauntings are energy "imprints" on a place, or sometimes another person. These are the cases where the same event repeats over and over, like an apparition walking down a hallway. Some hauntings are interactive, the source of the energy is still present, these are true "hauntings" where you can sometimes communicate with the "spirit". And they're absolutely real.
5) Mediumship and clairvoyance are absolutely real. I have witnessed them. Some people are simply very sensitive to the electro-magnetic energy that causes the phenomenon. It's not really supernatural at all. It's natural, but we just don't understand it.
6) Not only does the Bermuda Triangle exist, there are similar vortices --- or places of power --- all over the world. One day, we'll undertand how to use them, since that's what they are there for.
7) Something unusual crashed in Roswell in 1947 and the world has been backward-engineering it ever since. Because of this, I think most UFO sightings are of man-made craft derived from alien technology. But there are some genuine anomalies out there that cannot be explained away. I can show you things...
8) Which brings us to crop circles. Some are real, some are man-made. It takes a bit of study and testing to determine for absolute certain which is which, but I can almost always tell immediately whenever a new one pops up. This is a phenomenon I've been following since the early 90's when Colin Andrews was the pre-eminent researcher on the subject. One thing I can say for sure --- those retarded old drunks, Doug & Dave could not possible be physcally responsible for even a fraction of the formations that appear worldwide on a continual basis. But a lot of them are done by D&D copycats. Show me a picture of a formation and I can tell you immediately if it's a hoax or something truly mysterious.
9) There was a civilization on earth before ours, and it was better than us. Therefore, I will say with certainty that Atlantis existed, but again, not as most people think. Atlantis covered the whole world. Read Forbidden Archaeology if you want to have your head spun around. Or the Vedic texts for a description of how that previous civilization destroyed itself...
10) There are anomalies on Mars and the moon that suggest "someone" once lived there. When the "Atlanteans" fled, some think it was to Mars. And then when Mars became uninhabitable, they came back here, and settled in Egypt and Central & South America where they built amazing civilizations that we don't really understand. There is something very important and very specific about pyramids that we as a species need to know --- a technology that we've lost.
11) The Illuminati (not the Dan Brown version, but the real version) is something I've been casually studying for maybe 20 years and I'm pretty sure that there is an attempt by a cabal of the most powerful people on earth to control life as we know it. But I'm also sure that they're not going to have it easy and they are NOT all-powerful. I do believe, however, that if there's anyone on earth who understands who we really are and what we've lost in terms of ancient knowledge, it's these people. Study the writings of William Henry & Jim Marrs on the topic. There's something there...
12) When I was a kid, I was terrified of Bigfoot. We lived on the edge of a big woods and I was afraid he was going to snatch me out of my second floor window some night. This one, I'm not so sure about anymore. Nor am I all that interested in it.
13) I love the Nessie stories, but I would not say I believe in lake monsters. Like Bigfoot, I kind of outgrew my fascination. Same with all the other cryptozoological beasts.
14) The Rapture (of the Christian church) is a bunch of hooey made up a little over a century ago by some nutball who called himself a prophet. It is NOT Biblical and yet somehow, we've let Fundamentalist Christians take over our nation with their crazy hope of bringing about Armageddon. This nonsense is going to be the downfall of America as we know it. I used to know a Bible scholar and this was his conclusion, not something I pulled out of my butt. Look into it sometime. The truth about religion is that there's very little Truth in religion.
If this seems to contradict my belief that God is real, nope. God is real, it's religion (all of it) that's a giant bunco scam.
Your Fairy Chrismother. Keeper of Keith's leather wristband. Keeper of Pocket Anomalies. WWAJD?
Wanna talk to President Obama? Close Gitmo/Open Cuba.
I completely believe ghosts (spirits) and out of body experiences exist. Personal experience: the night Whinnie died, I was in a night class and I was sitting in my seat, right next to the wall, barely paying attention when something came from the right (the direction the car was hit from) and pushed me out of my chair and into the wall, around the same time Whinnie was pronounced dead. My teacher though I was just tired and passed out for a couple seconds.
See? Those kinds of things are totally real. Not just something people imagine.
Your Fairy Chrismother. Keeper of Keith's leather wristband. Keeper of Pocket Anomalies. WWAJD?
Wanna talk to President Obama? Close Gitmo/Open Cuba.
I kind of made it into a joke around my house. Every time something weird happens, I always blame Whinnie. But it would have to be really weird for me to blame her and not one of the other ghosts I'm convinced hang around our house. She's too creative to just slam a door shut.
When I was very little I saw a strange little furry creature that ran across the road into a field once. It stood about 3 to 4 feet and was completely covered with hair. I ran into the back yard and continued to see it run through the field and then disappeared into a nearby woods.
Now can I say for a fact that it was bigfoot, no. But it made me a believer in the idea of one.
Regarding ghosts. Now I have seen ghosts a few time in my lifetime. But never has one moved anything, spoke or touched me or anyone that I know.
When something like that happens I think it's the power of the person's mind that is experiencing that. In other words the person is the one that is actually manifesting the events completely through the power of their mind.
Which goes into my theory of demonic possession, that it's the power of the possessed persons mind that is creating these events.
It's just that they are completely unaware that they are doing it.
Like I noted before that I think that ghosts are just past images showing up in current time. Kind of like an imprint. I don't think they are spirits of the dead.
So I also don't believe in spirits at all. I think the entire idea of having a spirit is wishful thinking that this life will continue somehow after our death. I think all we have is our mind and that once we die that everything that we were is gone forever. So we only have one time to get it right and to live a good life.
So obviously I don't believe in reincarnation either.
The house where my mom used to lived had some residual activity for a while. Some old person died there. Once, I was home with just my mom and my cousin, Frances. Mom was on the sofa, just lying there resting, I was in the laundry room, off the carport and Frances was on my bike, just riding in circles on the driveway.
I heard my mom say, "Deb!"
Frances heard my mom say, "Fran!"
Mom heard, me say, "Mom!"
We all met on the carport thinking each of us had called out to the other. But none of us had called out to anyone at all. So who said our names?
This spirit was just a prankster, never felt scary. He would unplug my electronics, or turn the volume dial on the stereo or TV all the way up, or all the way down.
But here's the funny part. When I moved out of my Mom & Stepdad's house into an apartment with a couple of high school friends, I must've brought him with me. But that's a whole other story...
Your Fairy Chrismother. Keeper of Keith's leather wristband. Keeper of Pocket Anomalies. WWAJD?
Wanna talk to President Obama? Close Gitmo/Open Cuba.
I thought we might expand this into hoaxes/conspiracy theories as well.
1. JFK assassination: I think Oswald was a scapegoat. Perhaps he had something to do with it, but he wasn't alone.
2. Moon landing: I don't think we ever landed on the moon at all. Sure they blasted off, but I think all they did was orbit the Earth. Everything else was filmed on a sound stage. How come in 30+ years the U.S. or no other country has even attempted to go back. Why are we eliminating the space shuttle and going back to something that looks like it came straight from the 1960's?
3. Pearl Harbor: I think the U.S. government knew in advance that it was going to happen and did nothing to stop it as a way to get the U.S. into the war.
4. 9/11: Same thing as Pearl Harbor. The U.S. government knew it was going to happen and allowed it to happen so that Bush could have a reason to go and wage war.
Let me start with the moon landing: I think we went. And we were scared to death of what we found. That's why no one's been back. This goes back to the theory that someone built things on the moon that cannot be explained. I think many of the photos have been heavily doctored. And notice as the astronauts aged, many of them started to admit that they saw things --- craft, etc. Hell, even John Glenn "joked" about it on Frasier. Gordon Cooper was a firm believer. Edgar Mitchell has made claims. And Story Musgrave is a full-blown far out space nut.
Something or someone is keeping us grounded. Some say that whoever's out there is afraid of us getting into space because we're so stupid and destructive. All we want to do is mine the moon of Helium 3 and put nukes in orbit. That's also the theory behind why so many probes that were sent to Mars crashed before we finally landed one. But now that we're there, who or what has been continually cleaning the camera lenses on the red planet?
There's a wealth of great stuff on YouTube about these things. Great video, documentaries. All kinds of wild weirdness. I'm particularly fond of that piece of "footage" that supposedly shows us landing a manned craft on Mars in 1962!
But underlying the Illuminatus theories is the idea that governments have technologies we know NOTHING about. I think that's very possible. I mean, where the heck does all that "black budget" money go...?
And the names and symbology of some of those programs...?
This is why I've become so fascinated with synchromysticism.
Your Fairy Chrismother. Keeper of Keith's leather wristband. Keeper of Pocket Anomalies. WWAJD?
Wanna talk to President Obama? Close Gitmo/Open Cuba.
This is the most interesting i've ever read this thread. I am completly hooked on all these theories.
Current Member. Future Star. :silly:
Ever wanted to see Chris as a Chippendale? Today is your lucky day;
:youdaman: :grovel:
R.I.P. Hazel. Life has lost something special now.
Shawn's convinced the world with end in 2012 because of some Mayan legend.
Mostly because I have a few friends who are practicing Wiccans and I've participated some spells myself, I believe in magic. Not necessarily "hocus pocus" kind of stuff, but I think the brain is capable of doing things beyond the realm of what's "normal" and do small feats of magic. No, I don't think you can read a Harry Potter book, break a branch off a tree, say a couple words in Latin and blow someone up (even though that would be awesome), but I think we have the ability to do certain kinds of psychokinesis.
The Mayan long count calendar ends on 12/22/2012. Some think it's the end of the world, some think it's only the end of an era. I think it's the latter, I hope it's the latter. But to instill any belief in this at all is questionable once you know that the calendar was manipulated by Pope Gregory with the wish to move Christ's birthday to December 25th for symbolic reasons. He arbitrarily added 11 days to the year to make that happen. There's a whole lot that most people don't know about this stuff. That's why calendrical markers can't really be taken seriously.
Your Fairy Chrismother. Keeper of Keith's leather wristband. Keeper of Pocket Anomalies. WWAJD?
Wanna talk to President Obama? Close Gitmo/Open Cuba.
And yes, Wiccan Magick is real. My best friend is a witch.
Your Fairy Chrismother. Keeper of Keith's leather wristband. Keeper of Pocket Anomalies. WWAJD?
Wanna talk to President Obama? Close Gitmo/Open Cuba.
Tetris at 25. Nice article about a great game...
Your Fairy Chrismother. Keeper of Keith's leather wristband. Keeper of Pocket Anomalies. WWAJD?
Wanna talk to President Obama? Close Gitmo/Open Cuba.
This story made me cry...
Your Fairy Chrismother. Keeper of Keith's leather wristband. Keeper of Pocket Anomalies. WWAJD?
Wanna talk to President Obama? Close Gitmo/Open Cuba.
I prefer not to be a cynic in this case.
Your Fairy Chrismother. Keeper of Keith's leather wristband. Keeper of Pocket Anomalies. WWAJD?
Wanna talk to President Obama? Close Gitmo/Open Cuba.
I completely agree with what you said about God and religion, Deb. I couldn't have said it better myself.
Curious how you define yourself when people ask what religion you are though. Cos i have the same problem. I believe in God. I believe it is something that we will never be able to understand in our lifetime and something we cant relate to, cos its like trying to relate to a tree. God is not human but is so often thought of in such a way. Anyway long story short i believe in God but dont believe in religion. But the closest definition of this tends to be agnostic. But generally the reaction i get from that is "oh you havent made up your mind yet"
-- Kate
"I will mix my tongue with strings and drums, and give my soul away " --
I'm pretty much on the same line about the religion. I do believe in God or some kind of higher power or some universal thing. But religion freaks me out since I've seen it messing with people's head. All the "real believers" I've ever known seem to be suffering of some mental illness because of the effects of the religious community. I rather believe in something on my own than let some fanatics cook my brain (so to speak) and tell me how to live my life. I can tell right from wrong and navigate my life without reading a huge book about it written by some people on a different era. All this being said, I feel like a frod telling you that I do belong in a church, since birth. It's the most common religion in this country, evankeligan lutheran. Suits me well since I don't have to go to church every week and nobody is telling me so. It's just there. Hubby's family doesn't belong to any church but all of our kids are babtised. Kinda like out of habit. Because people were expecting so.
I define myself as agnostic, but I'm not really any religion. All I know, is that there's something bigger than us. Not necessarily God, but it is a higher power. I don't know what it is and neither does anyone else, so they can't tell me. Really religious people freak me out too. In my mind, they've been brainwashed.
I define myself as a Far Out Space Nut. No, seriously. Like I said, I believe God is the Universe. So there you have it.
See, I got dragged through the scary southern churches from the time I was born until I was old enough to say no more, I'm not going. That happened at about age 14. I've seen it all... The week-long tent revivals with the "faith healing", shouting, dancing, falling down, speaking in tongues, all-night-singing, all-night-preaching, shouting red-faced pulpit-pounding madman of a preacher. The only thing I never saw first hand was snake-handling and drinking cyanide.
All of that, and they still didn't manage to brainwash me. What they did manage to do was scare the crap out of me and turn me off to organized religion forever.
And then there was Jonestown.
I was 14 years old when it happened. And I will never, as long as I live, forget the first time I saw the film footage of all those bodies --- nearly a thousand people --- murdered by an insane cult leader. I didn't even know what a cult was and there was my rude awakening in full color. I've been studying cults ever since. I can tell you stories...
Waco had a big impact on me as well. I was actually writing a screenplay about a family trying to escape from a cult run by their father right before the siege started. I damn-near sold that script too. It got me an agent.
Anyway, nowadays, you will never catch me inside a church unless it's a funeral or a wedding. Or unless its the Unity Church, which I got to tour in St. Louis. Beautiful sanctuary they have there. I think Unity is one of the few that gets it right. But I'm still not going to join them or any other church.
My mom once told me about "the prayer closet". And she probably shouldn't have done that because it was like giving me permission to stay away from church. I'm not sure where the concept comes from but basically the idea is that if you want to talk to God and you can't get to a church, you should go to your "prayer closet", which could be any quiet, private space and just say what you feel. So that's what I do.
Your Fairy Chrismother. Keeper of Keith's leather wristband. Keeper of Pocket Anomalies. WWAJD?
Wanna talk to President Obama? Close Gitmo/Open Cuba.
OMG, this one funeral I went to, for a longtime friend of my mom's family, was held in this tiny backwoods church in rural north Georgia. We were jammed in there to capacity and it was hotter than hell. And they had one of these screaming freakazoid preachers who was telling us we all had to repent or go to hell and he was trying to do altar calls in the middle of the funeral. That's just unheard of, even in Southern Baptist churches. But I think it was some kind of COG or Pentacostal church or something, and those people are insane. My aunt and stepdad and I kept exhanging glances like, "Is this guy for real?"
When we got out of there, my aunt expressed how appalled she was that he would do that crap during a funeral. That's NOT what funerals are supposed to be about.
Thankfully, my stepdad, dad & mom's funerals were all held at the same funeral home both my parents' families have always used so I know the people there really well and I felt as comfortable there as one can during such a horrible event. And I quite liked my mom's pastor. He was cool, drove a hybrid car and worked in computers during the week. His wife was cool too, a school teacher who really knew how to talk to people. I was so glad that he found a way to assure my mom that even though my stepdad killed himself, he was still going to heaven. And they were a major comfort to me when my mom died and --- having no siblings --- I was left to deal with everything.
I don't like weddings either. Try to avoid them when I can.
Your Fairy Chrismother. Keeper of Keith's leather wristband. Keeper of Pocket Anomalies. WWAJD?
Wanna talk to President Obama? Close Gitmo/Open Cuba.