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This is really cool. I hadn't heard about it until today. Duncan Jones, David Bowie's son --- who was famously called Zowie Bowie growing up --- has made his first feature film, Moon. It sounds really fascinating.
Article: … .html?_r=1
Trailers & clips:
Official site:
Your Fairy Chrismother. Keeper of Keith's leather wristband. Keeper of Pocket Anomalies. WWAJD?
Wanna talk to President Obama? Close Gitmo/Open Cuba.
This looks pretty amazing: It's not just a trailer, it's the whole movie.
"Sometimes I think the human species is programmed to look at the bright side of every disaster."
-- David Sandström, ReGenesis
The Weinsteins struggle to re-organize... … f=business
Awww, I'm so sad for them.
Your Fairy Chrismother. Keeper of Keith's leather wristband. Keeper of Pocket Anomalies. WWAJD?
Wanna talk to President Obama? Close Gitmo/Open Cuba.
Apparently, there's a trailer for The Time Traveler's Wife. And um, Rachel McAdam & Eric Bana are very sessy in it. They're going to show it on ET in a minute. It's probably online somewhere.
Your Fairy Chrismother. Keeper of Keith's leather wristband. Keeper of Pocket Anomalies. WWAJD?
Wanna talk to President Obama? Close Gitmo/Open Cuba.
Yeah, it makes me want to see the movie and read the book.
OMG! Comedy Central gave that Miss South Carolina contestant an opportunity to get it right. :rofl:
Yeah, it makes me want to see the movie and read the book.
I have read the book and loved it. You should definitely read it before seeing the movie. I'm not sure if I'm going to watch it. When I read the book, the people didn't look like Eric Bana and Rachel Adams to me. But then again, I also read the Twilight book before the movie and I love both, so ... LOL
I hugged the Seeker!
Carol, that's hilarious! Tosh is a very twisted man. But what the heck did Aimee Teegarden have to do with it? (She plays Coach's daughter on FNL)
Your Fairy Chrismother. Keeper of Keith's leather wristband. Keeper of Pocket Anomalies. WWAJD?
Wanna talk to President Obama? Close Gitmo/Open Cuba.
One of my favourite actors of all time at 87 has finally got a knighthood. Christopher Lee is now Sir Christopher Lee. :D:D
Current Member. Future Star. :silly:
Ever wanted to see Chris as a Chippendale? Today is your lucky day;
:youdaman: :grovel:
R.I.P. Hazel. Life has lost something special now.
That's awesome!
Your Fairy Chrismother. Keeper of Keith's leather wristband. Keeper of Pocket Anomalies. WWAJD?
Wanna talk to President Obama? Close Gitmo/Open Cuba.
Yeah. It's about time. He's been making great films for years, and it always puzzled me how Ben Kingsley was a Sir and Christopher Lee was not.
Current Member. Future Star. :silly:
Ever wanted to see Chris as a Chippendale? Today is your lucky day;
:youdaman: :grovel:
R.I.P. Hazel. Life has lost something special now.
That's great for Christopher Lee! I agree, Simon. It's long past due.
I've never seen Tosh before, but he's hilarious! A little twisted, but so funny. I guess Aimee Teegarden was actually at the pageant.
I just finished watching Apocalypto. Quite brutal, but I didn't think it was overly so. Interesting to watch, and quite intense. Not sure I wanna see it a second time, though. Deb, didn't Chris tell us in 2006 that he liked it a lot and actually saw it twice? I also seem to recall he said it reminded him a little of Shakespearean plays. Is my memory failing me?
"Sometimes I think the human species is programmed to look at the bright side of every disaster."
-- David Sandström, ReGenesis
That's what he said, all right.
Your Fairy Chrismother. Keeper of Keith's leather wristband. Keeper of Pocket Anomalies. WWAJD?
Wanna talk to President Obama? Close Gitmo/Open Cuba.
The (bleak) future of TV...
Your Fairy Chrismother. Keeper of Keith's leather wristband. Keeper of Pocket Anomalies. WWAJD?
Wanna talk to President Obama? Close Gitmo/Open Cuba.
I have cable internet and it's still rather slow. I try to download video clips in the 150MB range and it takes upwards of an hour to download. And then sometimes just a minute shy of completion it just stops without any reason.
When I was able to view videos on Youtube and the like, the video & audio would sometimes be out of sync. Or it wouldn't load all the way.
My point is that they will have to vastly improve the speed of the internet before TV via the internet is really viable. Nobody would really have the patience to wait hours before they can watch something when they can just watch it immediately on regular tv.
I never really understood the desire to watch tv or movies on a small computer monitor. It's just too damn small. Like do I really want to watch a Youtube clip of someone falling down or doing some stupid stunt for 15 seconds or some movie split up into 20 clips or do I want to watch it on my regular TV?
Until the day when the computer/TV is all one unit and we have really super high speed internet that is 100% error free that allows immediate downloading of a tv show that is visible on a regular tv then no I don't think tv or cable tv is going to go away.
I do know that I don't record any TV shows anymore. I am just sick of all of those animated people at the bottom of the screen during the show, the elimination of the traditional end credits in favor of text based credits, the ads for junk that's on just a few seconds later, the stupid animated channel logos and the yapping of some announcer telling me what's on in the future or the local news saying what's on the news less than a minute later. I wonder if they do it just so people go out and buy the dvd on the show.
I recently upgraded my cable Internet to super-high speed and I no longer have any problems playing anything online. And with Hulu, you can now get full shows in fullscreen. It's basically just like watching TV. I also have a pretty large flatscreen monitor now so it almost doesn't matter whether I'm watching on the computer or on TV. And some people can hook their computers up to their TVs so they can play content that way. TeeJay can do that, for example. We've done it at my house.
Your Fairy Chrismother. Keeper of Keith's leather wristband. Keeper of Pocket Anomalies. WWAJD?
Wanna talk to President Obama? Close Gitmo/Open Cuba.
I never watch regular TV anymore either, but more so because of the German dubbing. If they were showing things in English over here, I'd probably record them and fast forward the commercials. I don't think I could stand having to watch them in real time. And, yes, I can hook up my laptop to my TV, which is how I watch all my TV shows, actually. I also have a 24" computer screen, which is almost as big as my TV. I could easily watch a movie on it, but I do get annoyed when things stutter and stall, so I always prefer playing things off the hard drive or off a DVD.
And I wouldn't want to watch anything in YouTube size that's longer than a few minutes.
"Sometimes I think the human species is programmed to look at the bright side of every disaster."
-- David Sandström, ReGenesis
Well until every single household has "super-high speed" internet then regular tv is safe. And that is very likely never going to happen.
There are likely thousands, perhaps even millions of people that still access the internet via dial-up modem.
Look at the number of people that were unprepared for the switch to digital tv even though they have months of advance notice.
Now will tv have to adapt? Sure. But the demise of tv isn't going to happen any time soon. It'll likely be decades down the road at the earliest.
I could see a day down the road when all networks are gone and people will be able to call up any show and watch it at anytime they want.
Yeah, I know what you mean. My parents still have ISDN dial-up (64 k/s), and I hate it every time I'm there. It's just that my parents don't use the internet enough to warrant for them to get DSL (even though my mom keeps talking about it--the problem is they have a really old phone system and it's not plug-and-play, someone would have to come out to their house and install things with new wiring and such). I myself have DSL 16,000, which is the fastest DSL you can get over here at the moment. I upgraded from 2,000 DSL about a year ago. And I wouldn't wanna go back, especially with all the website stuff I have to up- and download.
You get so used to being able to download small-ish things in just a few minutes. Every time my mom does a virus definition update, it takes 20 minutes or more. Upgrading things like Firefox takes even longer.
They actually offer these "entertainment" packages nowadays where you can watch movies and TV online without paying extra. I've never really looked into it, and for as long as Germany sticks to dubbing everything (which is likely gonna be forever), it's not something that really holds my interest.
"Sometimes I think the human species is programmed to look at the bright side of every disaster."
-- David Sandström, ReGenesis
People are going to have to catch up or get left behind. And the reality is that if you don't have the tools to buy/watch their content, the money men are going to assume you have no dispoable income (with which to buy whatever they're advertising) and they will not care one whit about leaving you by the wayside.
I'm not saying that's right, I'm just saying that's the way it is.
Fahrenheidt 451 will be a reality sooner rather than later. We'll get everything through one screen on the wall when we're home, or through a hand-held device when we're on the go. Be it computing, communications or entertainment. I think the guy's esitmate is pretty realistic, but I'd guess ten years rather than 5.
Your Fairy Chrismother. Keeper of Keith's leather wristband. Keeper of Pocket Anomalies. WWAJD?
Wanna talk to President Obama? Close Gitmo/Open Cuba.
This reminds me of all the talk that eventually dvd and even Blu-Ray will be extinct within just a few years.
Again I don't agree with that at all.
Let's see VCR's came out around 1975. LaserDisc came out around 1977 or so. Both existed very well for close to 20 years or so. LaserDiscs remained a niche market for videophiles.
DVDs came out in 1997. People forcasted the immediate demise of the video-cassette and LaserDisc. While software for those are no longer being produced, I think LD's were stopped being made likely around 2000 or so, videocassettes were being made well into the mid-2000's. VCR's are still available, all though usually as a built-in VCR/DVD Player combo. Even LaserDisc players were still being made until last year I believe.
The point is that even though new technology comes along, the old technology will still be around for years to come.
Blu-Ray came out in 2003. And again some thought it would spell the demise of standard DVD's. Even after 6 years, Blu-Ray is still somewhat of a niche market even today.
Now of course some are saying the all pre-recorded media will meet it's demise soon. I don't agree at all. It may replace the standard rental method, but not replace sold product. Perhaps for bare-bones releases and for those that don't care for extras. But until they have someway of producing all the extras found on dvd/Blu-Ray such as audio commentaries, featurettes, deleted scenes, trailers and other features then I don't think it'll ever replace the dvd/Blu-Ray.
Plus how about printing the disc artwork or the dvd case artwork? Yes people can do that, but not everyone has that capability or has the know-how.
Like I posted above, perhaps dvd download will replace rental and bare-bones dvds, but at present it can't replace the Deluxe/Special Editions with all of the extras.
Well at least as I know.
Sure, some people maybe left behind. But perhaps some of them don't care either. Even today there are people who don't own a tv, a computer, a cell-phone or other electronic gadgets.
Plus I wonder in today's worldwide economy how many people actually have much disposable income left if at all.
Like me, I don't own an MP3 player, an I-Pod, a GPS, a Blu-Ray player or a HDTV. I can live without an MP3 player - I would rather own a cd, an I-Pod, or a GPS -which maybe useful but I don't need or want it.
About the only two things I want is a Blu-Ray player and a HDTV, but both I can live without for awhile.
Yeah, and some people will continue to buy newspapers until they stop printing them. Doesn't mean they won't stop. The world is changing bigtime. We're in one of those times where it's adapt, or die. And these fat cats who own TV networks and movie studios are not about to let that happen to them.
This very issue is why the SAG strike dragged on for an extra tear. Everyone believes that new media is going to usurp old media very, very fast. If they thought it was going to be decades yet, the leaders of SAG would not have almost bankrupted the industry and the state of California trying to secure their fair share now, rather than a mere 2 years from now when the contract will be up for review again and they'll be in a much better bargaining position because DGA & WGA will also be up for negotiation. Doug Allen, Alan Rosenberg and about 1/3 of the membership firmly believes that the revenue stream is going to make the jump in the very near future.
But what do they know, right? It's only their business.
Your Fairy Chrismother. Keeper of Keith's leather wristband. Keeper of Pocket Anomalies. WWAJD?
Wanna talk to President Obama? Close Gitmo/Open Cuba.
But wouldn't that mean that 2/3 of them don't?
78% voted in favor of the new contract.
I've been reading up on this SAG president.
What in the world is this entire thing about a lawsuit and an appeal?
Plus there's this bit.
"In other words, the appeal will probably drag on until sometime in November unless Rosenberg et al. are persuaded to drop it. Meanwhile, the suit itself proceeds in the trial court as well. Confused as to how a case can proceed in two courts at once? Well, it happens, and the legal fees aren't cheap. All of this sounds like a campaign issue that Unite for Strength will probably raise—why reelect a president who persists in suing his own union? UPDATE: Indeed, as SAGWatch points out, by continuing to pursue their lawsuit, Rosenberg et al. are reneging on a promise Anne-Marie Johnson publicly made to withdraw the suit if the TV/theatrical contracts were approved." … court.html
I don't know who this guy is, but he seems kind of nuts to sue his own union and costing them money in doing so. Plus this Johnson person reneges on her promise to drop the lawsuit. Sound to me like this president should be kicked out of office.