#1 23 Sep 06 :: 09:28

Admin Dorquette™
From: Germany
Registered: 23 Jul 06
Posts: 10,412

Photoshoots (or the absence of them)

Why does Chris never do any photoshoots? Or let's rephrase that: Why does he never do any that make it to the web? I was looking at pics from a movie that Michael Welch and Aaron Himelstein did together (can't remember the title) and they were really neat. God, I wish we'd get something like that with Chris in it. Then we'd have something to drool over the next few weeks/months that we'll have to wait for anything with him in it to come out.

Yeah, sure, he's too busy with actual acting right now. Which is fine. But I'm just sayin'......

Chris, man, throw your fans some scraps! Come on! Please?


"Sometimes I think the human species is programmed to look at the bright side of every disaster."
-- David Sandström, ReGenesis


#2 23 Sep 06 :: 09:40

La Dorquetta de Prima
From: Atlanta, GA
Registered: 23 Jul 06
Posts: 21,558

Re: Photoshoots (or the absence of them)

Yeah, man!  What TeeJay said!  That's why I want a current headshot so badly.  And you know what really bugs?  Almost every film --- certainly every studio film --- has an official still photographer.  Which means that probably for almost every movie Chris has done, photos like the 4000 plus we have from Fanboys exist.  But we'll never get to see more than a handful of them.  Which brings home once more how lucky we were to meet Sean.  Smooches, Sean!


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#3 23 Sep 06 :: 09:53

Admin Dorquette™
From: Germany
Registered: 23 Jul 06
Posts: 10,412

Re: Photoshoots (or the absence of them)

LOL! Yeah, smooches, Sean. Come here!! <mmmwhaaa> (Ewww, Sean, go shave!) smile

Geez, I'm going raving mad, knowing there are all these great pics out there and we will never get a chance to see them all. What a shame. Let's see how well the website goes. Maybe we'll have a chance to establish a connection to something more official after a while. Wouldn't that be totally cool. Okay, daydreaming again here, but what's so wrong about that? Only those with great visions might actually have them come true one day, right? And if they don't, what have we lost?


"Sometimes I think the human species is programmed to look at the bright side of every disaster."
-- David Sandström, ReGenesis


#4 23 Sep 06 :: 14:56

Dorquette vom Dienst
From: Pforzheim, Germany (BW)
Registered: 23 Jul 06
Posts: 8,829

Re: Photoshoots (or the absence of them)

LOL, you're so funny! big_smile
May I join the group kiss? wink

Yeah, Sean's the best! Thanks for all the pics and videos again.
But yeah, I second what TeeJay said. I'd love to have new photoshoot or something. <sigh> big_smile
And it's a shame that there are so many pictures which don't make it to the net ... hey, here are some fans who wanna see them! wink

I hugged the Seeker!


#5 29 Sep 06 :: 01:35

Cute lil' horndog
From: NZ
Registered: 12 Aug 06
Posts: 355

Re: Photoshoots (or the absence of them)

I would love a photoshoot smile
c'mon chris, might help deflect us from the fact we haven't had much new stuff.



#6 11 Oct 06 :: 13:07

Dorquette vom Dienst
From: Pforzheim, Germany (BW)
Registered: 23 Jul 06
Posts: 8,829

Re: Photoshoots (or the absence of them)

I don't think that this deserves an own thread, so I'm posting it here, although it's a little OT. I just read that there are some "Scream Awards" on Spike TV soon and I guess that's an Award show where people get awards when they can scream really good (sounds a little stupid to me, but still funny. LOL). So my question is, what do you think, doesn't Chris deserve a "Scream Award" for his girly scream(s) in Just Friends? wink

I hugged the Seeker!


#7 07 May 07 :: 06:46

From: Ottawa ontario
Registered: 29 Apr 07
Posts: 581

Re: Photoshoots (or the absence of them)

hey i def see no one has posted on this one for aw hile.. but if i ever get the chance to meet him ill ask him haha if we can set up a photoshoot im going professionally into photography.. and if i could only DREAM of having a photoshoot with him... haha we could take request of what to dress him in and facial expressions for him to do im sure u girls would love that hahaha but no no spedos:P lol photographing chris is a big dream of mine.. if i ever do it then i would know ive hit it big:P


#8 07 May 07 :: 15:30

Dork in Plastic
From: Albuquerque, NM
Registered: 28 Jul 06
Posts: 627

Re: Photoshoots (or the absence of them)

:embarrassed: AWWW Shucks, you guys...:embarrassed:



#9 08 May 07 :: 17:55

Dorquette vom Dienst
From: Pforzheim, Germany (BW)
Registered: 23 Jul 06
Posts: 8,829

Re: Photoshoots (or the absence of them)

Chnyst wrote:

:embarrassed: AWWW Shucks, you guys...:embarrassed:

Do I have to understand what that means? :clueless:

I hugged the Seeker!


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