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How do I support this? I want to get this on air immediately. It looks really funny!
This was such a great pick me up. I've been in a pretty big funk lately and this put a smile on my face. I love it. If I could buy a copy to support everyone who made this, I totally would.
Yeah I was disappointed that they didn't have a scene where he fully broke down. I really think Chris would've nailed it. I was surprised at how grownup Mike looked. He is looking pretty good himself these days but I was mostly watching for Chris and he did not disappoint.
I actually do watch the show from time to time but more in the beginning because it had Mandy Patinkin in it who will always have my love:
Anyways, I was sad that they were letting JJ leave the show because she's been there since the beginning but at the same time I was annoyed that they used the last ten minutes for that instead of going back to the crime.
What an excellent episode! Chris and Mike were awesome. I loved how Jimmy was considered the dumb one but...SPOILERS
...he was really the smart one. Excellent casting, Chris is really good with letting out subtle hints every now and then. I didn't suspect anything until the last second. They were convinced he was a dumbass. They both played sleazes really well, I hope their excellent acting in this episode gets them noticed. :D:D Congrats to Mike and Chris on an awesome job.
True, I guess Mike's got the whole Twilight thing going for him right now but I'm excited to see so many JoA alums in one episode.
Do we know who Chris will be playing? Will he be a criminal or a victim do you guys think?
Oh my God! I can't wait for this ep. I love Criminal Minds and how cool for there to be three JoA vets on at the same time, one being a regular of course. Good for Chris and Mike, that should lead to some great exposure for them both.
Sorry to bump an old thread but I just saw this again on tv the other night. I flipped to the channel it was playing on right when Chris's character tells Kia to leave. Holy crap, he certainly gives his all to a performance no matter what it's for doesn't he? I'm not much for gore either so I changed the channel as soon as the scene was over.
Does anyone remember back when Monica Keena was on Dawson's Creek and still had a normal face? What did she do to herself in the years between when she left the creek and when she rumbled with the reigning kings of the horror franchise? Jeez.
I completely remember that, I used to watch Dawson's Creek all the time. I actually recognized her when she appeared on that show from her appearance in While You Were Sleeping. I loved that movie as a kid, I think I watched it at least 20 times and I would seek out Sandra Bullock movies just because I loved her in While You Were Sleeping so much.
As for your question regarding her face:
- From While You Were Sleeping
- From Dawson's Creek 1st Season
- From Undeclared
And finally:
- Freddy vs Jason
I'm not sure I see much of a difference in her face except that she has obviously aged a wee bit. Maybe I'm missing something though.
Oh, I completely agree. The character should've been fully realized. It's cheap that we never got to know who she was and that she was so quickly forgotten. As much as I didn't like her for coming between Adam and Joan, I wanted to know more about her and her reasons for having sex with someone she knew was dating someone else. It seems kind of sad that she was that lonely.
My best guess, from what little we saw of her and know about her was that her parents were neglectful or at least always busy and out of the house.
That bites. They really were horrible writers in the end. Everything seemed really choppy. If they were going to have Adam cheat with Bonnie, the least they could've done was deal with it better. Bonnie's last line left things wide open with no closure. Even if they thought they had another season, it's lazy to just drop such an important storyline and continue it in another season.
I liked Common Thread which I just watched again but that scene at the end where Adam just magically appears with Ryan and he's all happy just seemed off. They never explained where he was or why he couldn't get home or call his Dad. I hated that. Wentworth Miller was really good in this role. I was as creeped out by him as Joan was. Such a pity that we never get to see what would come of his character.
This has been driving me crazy but I can't remember if Bonnie gets to talk to Adam afterwards. Or was it simply "Just 2 minutes, I think I deserve that" and then we never see her again? I could have sworn that I remembered them having a confrontation after Trial and Error where he got mad at her or something. I've rewatched up to Spring Cleaning and nothing. Did they have a confrontation or am I just making things up in my head again?
I'm sorry to hear that too, Mel. It's so sad when people hurt each other this way.
I too don't want to think that it had been going on that long but then again I don't want to think it happened at all. They made Adam a huge jerk to make this storyline possible and I just wasn't buying that. Adam was not the type of guy to be a jerk. The way he disregarded both Joan's and Bonnie's feelings, was just awful. It was clear that Bonnie wanted more and seemed to really like him. These are just painful episodes that I wish had never happened.
I liked that you gave the characters closure in Butterflies and how you treated Bonnie's character. I'm sure most of us hated her the first time we saw the episodes but I kind of feel sorry for her now.
I just finished watching these two episodes back to back in my JoA marathon. It was just as heart wrenching as I remembered it being when I first saw it but seeing it again and so close together got me thinking about a few things. Sorry if this gets long.
First off, in Secret Service Joan is working in the house and Bonnie introduces herself but when Joan introduces herself, Bonnie claims she already knows who Joan is.
Adam lies about going to Rhode Island. Joan spies him walking along the street on her bus ride home and confronts him. He seemed upset and claimed he wanted time alone.
The next day, he shows up at the house Joan is painting. Bonnie sees him and seems interested. Joan and Adam go outside to talk. Bonnie ends up outside calling Joan inside a few times before Joan relents. Adam offers to take the garbage to the dumpster where he sees Bonnie's art. Bonnie is suddenly there behind him, even though Joan had to go back inside. This is when I first assumed that they met however, they never formally introduced themselves like Bonnie and Joan did. He then shows her around the art room and encourages her to take art.
So why did Adam lie about going to Rhode Island? Where was he walking to/from when Joan spotted him and confronted him in the street? Was it really just alone time he wanted?
In Trial and Error we see Bonnie dressing herself and then it shows the reveal that the person she slept with is not the person she was flirting with in the hall earlier, it was Adam. This appeared to be the last time they slept together and since we learned later in the episode that he slept with her twice, one would assume it was their second time that we witnessed and not the first.
So my question is: were we supposed to assume that the time he lied to her about going to Rhode Island, he was actually with Bonnie? Bonnie seemed to know exactly who he was when he first walked in to the house, she smiled as if she recognized him and was jealous that he was talking to Joan as evidenced by her trying to interrupt them all the time. Or was their first time never shown or hinted at? Either way, I still found it completely out of character that Adam would cheat on Joan but I thought this was an interesting concept that I hadn't considered before. I know the first time I saw Secret Service, I never in a million years thought Adam was going to cheat, least of all with Bonnie who I thought was a one episode character that he and Joan were helping out and even though I knew it was going to happen, I still :crying: at the scene in Trial and Error when Joan breaks up with Adam.
What are your thoughts?
I blame the not being able to overlook Hilary being Lizzie Maguire on babysitting my cousins who freaking loved that show and other Disney channel shows. Bleh.
You know, I remember getting the feeling that they were going to make one of them cheat the whole season when I first watched it. They had Joan suspect Adam was cheating with Judith, going to cheat with Stevie. Adam was jealous of Roger and rightly so because the perv kissed her. Then finally, Adam actually cheats with Bonnie. It's like they were testing the waters with false cheating storylines, even Will and Helen had one with Lucy, then decided to take it to the next level.
I just watched Shadows and Light last night! It was indeed a heartbreaking episode and I forgot how good it was. It's been so long since I saw Joan of Arcadia that I almost forgot how most episodes ended. It's like watching it for the first time again. I forgot what happened to Stevie and how sad but then how beautiful it was. The scene between her and her mom at the police station was really well done.
Wow, you guys sure are lucky to have met all those people. I'm happy for you guys.
My heart goes out to Mrs. Markowitz. What an awful way to lose a child. I felt sick watching the movie because of all those people that could've stopped it from happening but did nothing.
I liked Haylie better than Hilary. Not that Hilary did a bad job, she actually played the character rather well it's just that it was distracting that it was her. I kept thinking "Hey it's Lizzie Maguire" not "Hey, it's Dylan." I liked how in Joan of Arcadia, I looked at them as characters instead of actors.
Hey, another thing I noticed was that they were both given boy names. Stevie and Dylan. I wonder why that was?
Deb, do you know Rankin? That is cool, you have a lot of connections.
I wanted smoochies too. I kept thinking they were going to but then the end of the movie came. Did he explain why he didn't have them kiss?
This is just another random observation from my recent rewatching of JoA but what was the deal with having both Duff sisters on JoA? I didn't mind Haylie(sp?) so much because she's not as well known but it was jarring to see a Disney star on JoA. I don't know why but Hilary just seemed out of place on the show, maybe that was the point?
Ah, I see. So it was a character thing. I thought it was kind of cute how he thought everything was "awesome".
I'm also starting to notice the "Mr. Pointy" thing Chris does. The one at the end of Infestation was super cute because Sarah did it right back to him.
I watched Infestation again this weekend and noticed that Cooper says "That's awesome" or just "awesome" a lot. My fiance didn't notice until I'd pointed it out. Did anyone else notice this?
Is this a Chris thing or was that in the script? I thought it was funny either way.
Cooper rocks!
I have the DVD but I didn't listen to the commentary. I can't listen to commentary on my first viewing of the movie, I like seeing the movie a couple of times first and then listening to the commentary.
I think I may have to watch it again, it was so fun.
The only thing weird was the ending but I heard they did that on purpose so that they could do a sequel. I kind of hope they do, if it was planned that way.
I just saw Infestation yesterday and I loved it. It's really funny and not quite as cheesy as I anticipated. It was really fun and it was great seeing Chris in a starring role. Some of the effects were pretty good too, especially the hybrids. Those things were creepy.
I just saw the trailer for No Big Deal and it looked like it would have been such a funny show. How were they not able to sell it with that demo reel? I hope that some day, we'll be able to see the whole episode. It was just too funny.