#1 Re: Chris On Screen » Graduation » 26 May 08 :: 09:54

Hey folks.  GRADUATION will be on cable and satellite TV this week in hi-definition.  See my blog page for more info.  Help spread the word!

#2 Re: Chris On Screen » Graduation » 06 May 08 :: 22:55

Hey guys.  The premiere was a blast.  Got lots of create comments.  Had people coming up to me all evening at the after party commenting on the music.  The audience really enjoyed the film.  I have some pics up at my site's blog page that are different than the WireImage pics.  But not many with the premiere crowd or anything.  Things were just so busy that it all went by fast and my girlfriend and I just did not get all the pics we set out to get.

#4 Re: Chris On Screen » Graduation » 03 May 08 :: 07:09

There is one.  Towards the bottom.  But They chose the pic with one of my smirks.  Which is now immortalized forever on WireImage.  Oh yay!  smile

#6 Re: Chris On Screen » Graduation » 26 Apr 08 :: 09:30

Hey folks.  If you go to the official GRAD website and in the window where the trailer plays...there have been some new options added.  Including the ability to preview a scene from the film.  Under the movie...click on the video selection you want to stream...the trailer...or the scene.  There is also a re-stating of the synopsis and some of the press kit photos (which you all have already found elsewhere) that will also play in that same movie window. 



#7 Re: Chris On Screen » Graduation » 22 Apr 08 :: 03:02

The GRADUATION theatrical poster has been released and finalized!  Pretty cool huh?  big_smile

Enjoy folks!


#8 Re: Chris On Screen » Graduation » 14 Apr 08 :: 22:01

New official website:  www.graduationmovie.com  :dancing:

Along with the new Magnolia Pictures trailer. 


#9 Re: Chris On Screen » Graduation » 11 Apr 08 :: 23:25

Nothing was altered in that respect.  Only the first act of the film was revised...leading to the 'alternate opening extra' on the DVD. 
You all will just have to wait until you see the film to see what happens.  smile

Did you all read the new review linked on the IMDb review page for GRAD?  Not the Houston Chronicle one...the other one?

#10 Re: Chris On Screen » Graduation » 11 Apr 08 :: 21:40

GRADUATION Facebook page is up.


Let's try to get everyone we know on Facebook to add them.



#11 Re: Chris On Screen » Graduation » 08 Apr 08 :: 03:15

:alarm: I am surprised you guys have not checked out my blog page yet.  :alarm:

Since I was given the go ahead today by the director to post stuff.



#12 Re: Chris On Screen » Graduation » 20 Mar 08 :: 20:52

First of all...did you check your email Deb?

Sisterdebmac wrote:

But, Brian, there is no horse.  The DVD is all we've got in this case.  We have nothing to compare it to.  Actually, speaking for myself, it goes beyond wanting to see something that shows off Chris's talent.  I happen to like the grown up actors in the movie too.  And I just want to see a good story.  From the very beginning this sounded like it was going to be one.

It is a great story.  One I am VERY proud of having a musical contribution to. 

Sisterdebmac wrote:

It's kind of a shame that Magnolia thinks they have to "play up" the cheesiest possible angle on the whole thing.

I think Magnolia has a very good strategy from what little I have learned so far.  The film is in the right hands in my personal opinion.  Time will tell if it has worked out...but Magnolia has been great from my very limited perspective on them. 

Sisterdebmac wrote:

Betcha dollars to donuts they sell more copies to the young fans of Chris & Chris and Riley who've been waiting years to see it than they ever will to a bunch of action movie fans who've never heard of it.

Over the long haul...the numbers don't support that.  The fans are EXTREMELY important of course.  Don't get me wrong.  But the marketplace is very diverse.  It won't survive on those core fans alone.  They have to get people who know nothing about them to want to buy it too.  And hopefully make new fans out of them.  A lot of Chris & Chris fans...and Riley and Shannon, etc...will of course buy it the day it gets released anyway and that is great and what the film needs.  But 2-10 years from now???  It can not just be marketed to only those fans.  Of course, if any of their film careers really take off (which could happen with any one of their films)...GRADUATION becomes more valuable.

#13 Re: Chris On Screen » Graduation » 20 Mar 08 :: 19:17

Marketing a DVD (and its subsequent artwork) is very different than marketing a theatrical release film and designing its poster.  It is why DVD covers are almost always redone now and are never the same as the theatrical poster any more.  There is a big difference in the marketing strategies used to get a person to buy a DVD sitting on a shelf, compared to getting a person to spend between $10 and $14 dollars on a ticket to see a film in a theatre.  When a film is picked up for distribution, there has to be a clear marketing strategy in place on how the film is going to be positioned and sold to consumers.  In this case, Magnolia seems to definitely be playing up the 'heist' angle of the film and not really the '4 high school kids coming of age and graduating' aspect of the film. 

I would venture to bet that most folks here are coming from a position where they just want to see Chris in a film which shows off his acting talents in a good light, etc...Magnolia is coming from a position of wanting to sell as many copies of the film to as many people as possible.  So...everything about their marketing is going to be focused around that premise, including the artwork design and trailer, web presence, etc...

And on top of all of that, you all are only seeing the DVD release part of the entire equation here...which is kind of putting the cart before the horse.

#14 Re: Chris On Screen » Graduation » 20 Mar 08 :: 05:10

Not that I know of unfortunately.  But you can search the net for ballboy and I am sure you will find a lot of stuff. 

The CD with the original version of "Where Do The Nights Of Sleep Go To When They Do Not Come To Me"
is called "A Guide For the Daylight Hours" and can be found on Amazon.com here:  http://www.amazon.com/Guide-Daylight-Ho … 702&sr=8-2

Another song in the film (over the beginning of the end credits) is called "Keepin' You Head Up" by a great Los Angeles band called The Ringers.

Their website is www.theringersband.com and they also have a MySpace page at http://www.myspace.com/theringersband where you can hear the song if you scroll down their little music player list. 

I strongly encourage you all to support these independent artists when searching out their music by actually purchasing their music tracks when you find them.  I know the Ringers sell their tracks through MySpace at only like $.69 for an MP3.

But hopefully we can get a soundtrack out there soon as well.  We are working on it.  It would be a great CD, that is for sure.   And would be a great 'one stop shop' to find all of the great GRADUATION music by many independent atists.  And...we may even get a little bit of the score on there as well.  wink

#15 Re: Chris On Screen » Graduation » 20 Mar 08 :: 04:46

The lyrics for "where do the nights of sleep go to when they do not come to me?" are the following:

and there's a memory in your heart
and it's a terrifying thing
it remembers all the people
all the people you've betrayed
and the people that you failed
because you were not brave enough
or you panicked and you ran
or you were not brave enough

and there's a poem about a creature in the desert
who's squatting naked on the ground and eating something
and the poet adventurer who finds him
asks him what it is that he's eating
and what it tastes like
and the creature looks at him and says:
'it's my heart, and it tastes bitter,
but i like it,
because it tastes bitter
and because it's my heart'

and it's funny how it breaks
and it's funny how it breaks
and i am never brave enough
and it's funny how it breaks

and it's funny how your heart can be breaking
for a hundred thousand years or more
without ever actually breaking at all
or it can break in a moment so small
that they don't even have a name for it yet
sometimes they call it a heartbeat, but it's much quicker than that
sometimes they call it a heartbeat, but it's much quicker than that

and it's funny how it breaks
and it's funny how it breaks
and i am never brave enough
and it's funny how it breaks

where do the nights of sleep go to
when they do not come to me?

Maybe we can get them to put it on the soundtrack?  hmm:D

#16 Re: Chris On Screen » Graduation » 20 Mar 08 :: 04:38

Oh....there is lots more you will learn.  Like I said...I will let Magnolia release that info on their own time table.  I don't want to spoil their plans at all. 

And thanks for looking forward to the score too.  smile  There is just under an hour of score that I composed for the film.  It was a challenge to keep the score young and not get too overly sappy or dramatic....but at the same time, evolve as the story of the heist evolves into something more adult and serious. 

There are also a lot of great songs in GRAD, some of which were specifically written for this film.  One song from the Scottish band ballboy called "Where do the nights of sleep go to when they do not come to me (2002)."    The band has been very cool and Gordon McIntyre worked with the director to completely re-write the song to be a ballad (that sounds very different) to be played in one segment of the Prom scene in the film.  This ballad version of the song has never been heard before or released.  And the original version is also in the film over a small montage sequence.  So...lots of cool stuff going on with the music.  There is also some Iggy Pop music in the film...as Chris' character Carl is a huge Iggy Pop and the Stooges fan.

#17 Re: Chris On Screen » Graduation » 20 Mar 08 :: 04:00

Actually nothing from that sentence at all.  Just that it amazes me what things can be found when the desire to find it is great enough.  That info is not even on Magnolia's website yet, nor IMDb.  But...that is ok.  It is what it is.  :) 

I call all of my projects either 'films' or if you really want the slang..most in this town call it a 'show.'  as in..."So...what show are you working on?"...or..."I just did a show, blah, blah..."  And when folks say 'show'...they are not really referring to a TV show...they are referring to a project, mostly a feature film. 

Anyway...nothing was implied by what you were quoting.  I was just typing how I would speak it.  But I guess since it is hard to read inflection into one's words on the net...it may have seemed like I was referring to something specific. 


#18 Re: Chris On Screen » Graduation » 20 Mar 08 :: 03:41

Well...ummmmmmm....soooooooo....now that it is out there.....:D

That promotional one sheet is a little old though.  The tag line is different in the final.  So....not sure where TeeJay got this one. 

And as you can see from that cover....the ummmmmm....film is being distributed by Magnolia Pictures.  Which is a great thing. wink

But I would rather leave other things to Magnolia Pictures to announce on their own time table and schedule.  So...I probably won't be putting out any more info you all are not digging up yourselves.  hmm :applause:  big_smile

I am sure you all will enjoy it when you see it.

#19 Re: Chris On Screen » Graduation » 14 Mar 08 :: 18:55

Scenes get cut all the time in every movie.  It is a very normal part of the editing process as a director tries to make the movie stay on point and to keep the story line moving forward.  You try different things and different ways to tell a story.  Some work..some don't.  In GRAD's case, the final version of the film has not really been seen by audiences yet, including some of the actors I believe.  It is not the version that was screened in Houston at World Fest...nor the version that was seen by the actors or test audiences in Los Angeles last year.  And I would have to say in the case of GRAD...the final 'approved for release' edit is the best version of the film overall...in my opinion and everyone else's I am sure too, but I don't want to speak for anyone else. 

It is a great film. 

The eventual DVD will have a deleted scenes section as a bonus.  That scene is just not in the final edit of the distributed film. 

Chris did a wonderful job in GRADUATION and his integral performance is seen all over the movie.  Don't worry about that.



#20 Re: Chris On Screen » Graduation » 14 Mar 08 :: 10:24

Sisterdebmac wrote:

Briiiiiiiiiannnn... Stop lurking and give us some sugah, Sugah.  wink

Ummm....that photo is from a deleted scene.....???   


#21 Re: Chris On Screen » Graduation » 08 Mar 08 :: 10:15

I have not seen the wallpapers yet.  i will have to check them out. 

re: website.  Yes and no.  Will graduationthemovie.com come back?  No...not to my knowledge.  But the distributor will undoubtedly be incorporating GRAD into their site as they typically do.  And there should be a significant facebook and myspace presence as well.

#22 Re: Chris On Screen » Graduation » 07 Mar 08 :: 00:36

Sisterdebmac wrote:

Well, geez, Brian, you've built it up so big I'm now expecting The Chris Show to be hand-delivered to my house by the Chrises, or something.  Anything less is gonna be a huge letdown.  tongue

I don't believe I have built up anything to be big at all.  Just that the info posted on IMDb was incomplete and a bit ahead of itself. 


No worries though.   The patience everyone has had (fans and producton team alike) will soon show to have been worth it.

#23 Re: Chris On Screen » Graduation » 06 Mar 08 :: 23:07

Forgive me guys if I just not say any more at this time.  neutral  But, soon I will be able to.

#24 Re: Chris On Screen » Graduation » 06 Mar 08 :: 04:36

when things are ready to be announced publicly...they will be.  I know it is hard to wait.  But details for these typs of things change frequently (and already have many times) and when they get released before they are ready...things usually end up very different and start going south.  So...unfortunately...no.  But I promise when I can say something more concrete, I will.  I probably have already alluded to too much already.


#25 Re: Chris On Screen » Graduation » 05 Mar 08 :: 20:18

TeeJay wrote:

Ummmmm..... huh??? Brian, you're killing us! I have no idea what you're talking about. :clueless:

I'd also be interested in what the cover art will look like.



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