#276 02 Nov 07 :: 22:41

La Dorquetta de Prima
From: Atlanta, GA
Registered: 23 Jul 06
Posts: 21,558

Re: Grey's Anatomy

I know what you mean about the Isaiah mess.  I was annoyed as hell about that too.  I'm so glad he's gone.  What a self-important windbag.

Your Fairy Chrismother.  Keeper of Keith's leather wristband.  Keeper of Pocket Anomalies.  WWAJD?
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#277 02 Nov 07 :: 22:45

From: Pittsburgh, PA
Registered: 24 Jul 07
Posts: 3,989

Re: Grey's Anatomy

Yeah, I was just re-watching my old Grey's DVDs... Burke was so damn whinny all the time too.



#278 02 Nov 07 :: 23:10

Supreme Dorquette
From: Texas
Registered: 17 Oct 07
Posts: 2,311

Re: Grey's Anatomy


And then, after ABC finally handed him his hat, he goes on the interview circuit and whines about all he did to "placate the gay community..."

He didn't do anything for the gay community.  Squat!  Everything he did was for the sole purpose of saving his job.  It didn't work.  Now run along! :waiting:  Buh bye!

With the exception of Dempsey, I'd never heard of any of those clowns.  It seemed like some of them (one in particular) went from being part time waiters to being insufferable prima donnas in less than a year.


#279 03 Nov 07 :: 00:02

La Dorquetta de Prima
From: Atlanta, GA
Registered: 23 Jul 06
Posts: 21,558

Re: Grey's Anatomy

LOL!  Yep, that's what a little time on a wildly successful show will do to you, it seems.  Even before all hell broke loose with IW, I saw him do an interview on ET and he was the most bloaty-headed dude I'd seen in ages.  I mean, just so puffed up and full of himself.

Some people grow up, and other people just swell up.

This whole gang is a bit weird, really.  But I love most of the characters.

Your Fairy Chrismother.  Keeper of Keith's leather wristband.  Keeper of Pocket Anomalies.  WWAJD?
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#280 03 Nov 07 :: 00:22

Supreme Dorquette
From: Texas
Registered: 17 Oct 07
Posts: 2,311

Re: Grey's Anatomy

If you can't handle success any better than that, failure will find you. wink

Truly, I think TR Knight has a helluva civil case if he were to decide to pursue it.  Sadly, he was always gonna be worth more money while he was still able to "pass".  I'm sure he won't ever do it, though.  Besides I'm sure, with that mouth on him, IW will be "judgement proof" before too long  (IE: without the proverbial pot to piss in).

And I don't think he's the only cast member who fails to appreciate his great good fortune.  Wake up, kids.  It is NEVER gonna be this good for most of you again.  Can't you just enjoy it for a little bit?


#281 03 Nov 07 :: 00:37

From: Pittsburgh, PA
Registered: 24 Jul 07
Posts: 3,989

Re: Grey's Anatomy

I think Katherine Heigl has a good future in front of her.  Sandra Oh had a pretty steady career before, she was always the go-to girl for Asian characters, so GA will no doubt make her go ever futher.  Patrick Dempsey, obviously will do well.  Everyone else probably will just disappear into the shadows and be on Dancing With the Stars (or whatever wash-out celebrity show is popular at the time) three years after Grey's ends.

IW's career is over just like Kramer's though, and obviously he didn't appreciate what he had.

Last edited by magicalturkey (03 Nov 07 :: 00:38)



#282 03 Nov 07 :: 01:13

Supreme Dorquette
From: Texas
Registered: 17 Oct 07
Posts: 2,311

Re: Grey's Anatomy

I think you're right about Sandra Oh and Katherine Heigl.  They're great (and young and drop-dead gorgeous, which never hurts). 

The ones I feel bad for are the ones like James Pickens and Chandra Wilson.  Good, journeyman actors who worked hard for years just under the radar.  They finally get an opportunity like this and it gets put in jeopardy because of an overblown ego or two.

I hope all the mess dies down and the show goes on for years.  Because I think it's a great show with great characters and because some of the people here really deserve it.


#283 03 Nov 07 :: 01:21

La Dorquetta de Prima
From: Atlanta, GA
Registered: 23 Jul 06
Posts: 21,558

Re: Grey's Anatomy

All really successful shows go through this.  I remember distinctly when David Duchovny started acting like an assbag on The X Files set.  He's always been a bit full of himself.  OK, he's a smug prick.  At least he was back then.  His inability to turn his XF success into a huge movie career seems to have humbled him a bit though.  As well as marriage and fatherhood.  I find that I rather enjoy his interviews again.  A couple of years after all the hubub about him died down, it was Gillian Anderson's turn to get cocky.  She's calmed down a bit now too.  It'll be interesting to see them become Mulder and Scully again next year.

I wonder who the prima donnas would've turned out to be on the JoA set if it had taken off...

Your Fairy Chrismother.  Keeper of Keith's leather wristband.  Keeper of Pocket Anomalies.  WWAJD?
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#284 03 Nov 07 :: 01:24

Supreme Dorquette
From: Texas
Registered: 17 Oct 07
Posts: 2,311

Re: Grey's Anatomy

Don't forget Rob Morrow back in "Northern Exposure"'s heyday.


#285 03 Nov 07 :: 01:29

La Dorquetta de Prima
From: Atlanta, GA
Registered: 23 Jul 06
Posts: 21,558

Re: Grey's Anatomy

Oh God.  Totally!  I think his picture is next to the definition of assbag in the dictionary.  Sadly, he was right, the show did suck without him.

Check your email, Carol.

Your Fairy Chrismother.  Keeper of Keith's leather wristband.  Keeper of Pocket Anomalies.  WWAJD?
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#286 03 Nov 07 :: 01:38

Supreme Dorquette
From: Texas
Registered: 17 Oct 07
Posts: 2,311

Re: Grey's Anatomy

I had AOL and got rid of it.  I have Yahoo now, but have never signed in. 

I'm not sure if it really started sucking after he left or if it was just out of gas by then.


#287 03 Nov 07 :: 01:43

La Dorquetta de Prima
From: Atlanta, GA
Registered: 23 Jul 06
Posts: 21,558

Re: Grey's Anatomy

Yahoo's good.  Wanna try a chat sometime?

I don't think it was out of gas.  The mistake they made was thinking that most of us watched it for him, when we really didn't.  We loved ALL those characters.  We just loved Cicely, AK, period.  And I think instead of trying to squeeze another New York doctor in there, it would've been more interesting if Graham Greene's medicine man, Leonard would've filled in for Joel while the townspeople who actually cared about Joel, like Ed and Maggie continued to try to bring him back from his weird journey.  Why would a quirky, brilliant show like that need to stick with some manufactured formula?  Why couldn't they try something different?

Your Fairy Chrismother.  Keeper of Keith's leather wristband.  Keeper of Pocket Anomalies.  WWAJD?
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#288 03 Nov 07 :: 01:54

Supreme Dorquette
From: Texas
Registered: 17 Oct 07
Posts: 2,311

Re: Grey's Anatomy


I didn't watch any of the Provenza episodes until the last year or so when the Hallmark channel started running them.  You're right, that was a bad idea all the way around.  He was just there for a couple of weeks and we're supposed to be invested in his marital problems.  Plus, different shows keep running Teri Polo up the flagpole and ain't nobody saluting.

And they got us TOO invested in the eventual Joel/Maggie outcome and then just parked her with John Corbett at the bottom of the ninth.  Seemed like someone at the helm just stopped caring.


#289 03 Nov 07 :: 02:01

La Dorquetta de Prima
From: Atlanta, GA
Registered: 23 Jul 06
Posts: 21,558

Re: Grey's Anatomy

I'm afraid her name might've been Barbara Hall, actually.  She was head writer for a while.

Your Fairy Chrismother.  Keeper of Keith's leather wristband.  Keeper of Pocket Anomalies.  WWAJD?
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#290 03 Nov 07 :: 02:09

Supreme Dorquette
From: Texas
Registered: 17 Oct 07
Posts: 2,311

Re: Grey's Anatomy

I didn't know that. yikes

I knew about Brand/Falsey, who also did "St. Elsewhere" and "Thirtysomething" were involved with NE.  And Joshua Brand directed the "Touch Move" episode of JoA.

(You and your friend Dave are right.  The buddy system makes the world go round. big_smile)


#291 03 Nov 07 :: 04:30

La Dorquetta de Prima
From: Atlanta, GA
Registered: 23 Jul 06
Posts: 21,558

Re: Grey's Anatomy

So, apparently, does working for Sony or Fox.  Chris was like a Sony stock player.  He quite literally grew up on the Sony lot.  And Dave and I also have another saying, "Fox recycles".  Once you've worked for Fox, you're going to work for them again. And again.  Nice example was a repeat of House that I saw last week.  Marc Blucas was in it.  And of course he played Buffy's boring boyfriend, Riley "Captain Cardboard" Finn on Buffy for a season.  And Fox owned and produced Buffy even though it was on other networks.  Seeing all these connections has always kind of fascinated me.

Your Fairy Chrismother.  Keeper of Keith's leather wristband.  Keeper of Pocket Anomalies.  WWAJD?
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#292 08 Nov 07 :: 04:29

Supreme Dorquette
From: the upside down
Registered: 13 Jun 07
Posts: 4,938

Re: Grey's Anatomy

Grey's Anatomy is pretty but Strong Medicine is wayyy better. Chris is in it!!!


#293 08 Nov 07 :: 18:01

From: Pittsburgh, PA
Registered: 24 Jul 07
Posts: 3,989

Re: Grey's Anatomy

Yeah, we all hate that Chris isn't in it... but we love it anyway wink



#294 08 Nov 07 :: 18:38

La Dorquetta de Prima
From: Atlanta, GA
Registered: 23 Jul 06
Posts: 21,558

Re: Grey's Anatomy

I loved Strong Medicine too.  But it is in NO WAY better than Grey's.  The writing couldn't hold a candle to GA.  And the acting (by everyone but Chris and Rosa) was often strained on SM.  It was very also sometimes preachy and overwrought.  No contest.

Your Fairy Chrismother.  Keeper of Keith's leather wristband.  Keeper of Pocket Anomalies.  WWAJD?
REPORT BROKEN LINKS info@chris-marquette.com  http://www.facebook.com/home.php?ref=ho … ef=profile 
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#295 09 Nov 07 :: 04:02

From: Pittsburgh, PA
Registered: 24 Jul 07
Posts: 3,989

Re: Grey's Anatomy

Ewwwww!  George and Izzie are sweaty!   :puke:

Last edited by magicalturkey (09 Nov 07 :: 04:02)



#296 09 Nov 07 :: 04:04

From: Pittsburgh, PA
Registered: 24 Jul 07
Posts: 3,989

Re: Grey's Anatomy

I KNEW IT!  *bounce bounce*



#297 09 Nov 07 :: 04:09

La Dorquetta de Prima
From: Atlanta, GA
Registered: 23 Jul 06
Posts: 21,558

Re: Grey's Anatomy

I missed the first few minutes because I was making dinner.  What happed w/G&I?

Your Fairy Chrismother.  Keeper of Keith's leather wristband.  Keeper of Pocket Anomalies.  WWAJD?
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#298 09 Nov 07 :: 04:11

La Dorquetta de Prima
From: Atlanta, GA
Registered: 23 Jul 06
Posts: 21,558

Re: Grey's Anatomy

Father Ken!

Your Fairy Chrismother.  Keeper of Keith's leather wristband.  Keeper of Pocket Anomalies.  WWAJD?
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#299 09 Nov 07 :: 04:13

From: Pittsburgh, PA
Registered: 24 Jul 07
Posts: 3,989

Re: Grey's Anatomy

Oh my God!  You're right!  I was sitting here like "who is that guy?"



#300 09 Nov 07 :: 04:14

From: Pittsburgh, PA
Registered: 24 Jul 07
Posts: 3,989

Re: Grey's Anatomy

The got a bit "aerobic" and George couldn't seem to move his arms.  And they were drenched in sweat.  Then they both told Mere it was horrible.



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