#376 12 Jun 08 :: 21:29

Admin Dorquette™
From: Germany
Registered: 23 Jul 06
Posts: 10,412

Re: Grey's Anatomy

So, is she gonna be the next actress to leave the show? Or is she bound by contract to stay at least six seasons?


"Sometimes I think the human species is programmed to look at the bright side of every disaster."
-- David Sandström, ReGenesis


#377 04 Nov 08 :: 17:28

La Dorquetta de Prima
From: Atlanta, GA
Registered: 23 Jul 06
Posts: 21,558

Re: Grey's Anatomy

Well, this just sucks.  :angry:

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/11/0 … 40817.html

Can you say total failure of imagination?

Your Fairy Chrismother.  Keeper of Keith's leather wristband.  Keeper of Pocket Anomalies.  WWAJD?
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#378 10 Nov 08 :: 23:28

La Dorquetta de Prima
From: Atlanta, GA
Registered: 23 Jul 06
Posts: 21,558

Re: Grey's Anatomy

Your Fairy Chrismother.  Keeper of Keith's leather wristband.  Keeper of Pocket Anomalies.  WWAJD?
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#379 10 Nov 08 :: 23:34

Admin Dorquette™
From: Germany
Registered: 23 Jul 06
Posts: 10,412

Re: Grey's Anatomy

I don't want Burke back.


"Sometimes I think the human species is programmed to look at the bright side of every disaster."
-- David Sandström, ReGenesis


#380 11 Nov 08 :: 00:06

La Dorquetta de Prima
From: Atlanta, GA
Registered: 23 Jul 06
Posts: 21,558

Re: Grey's Anatomy

Nope.  I don't think anyone does.  It's just weird that Mr. Homophobe would stick up for the actress playing the gay character who's been ousted.

Your Fairy Chrismother.  Keeper of Keith's leather wristband.  Keeper of Pocket Anomalies.  WWAJD?
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#381 11 Nov 08 :: 00:48

Admin Dorquette™
From: Germany
Registered: 23 Jul 06
Posts: 10,412

Re: Grey's Anatomy

Yeah, well, it kinda figures that he'd stick with the underdogs who got fired. You know, like him.


"Sometimes I think the human species is programmed to look at the bright side of every disaster."
-- David Sandström, ReGenesis


#382 11 Nov 08 :: 00:56

Supreme Dorquette
From: Texas
Registered: 17 Oct 07
Posts: 2,311

Re: Grey's Anatomy

It's not weird.  He's an ass.  He's always been an ass.  These kinds of things happen all the time.  Characters are written into corners by the storyline or for some reason don't strike a chord with viewers.  Why doesn't he have a kind word for the 5-10 people David E. Kelley fires every season off of "Boston Legal"?  It's only "Grey's Anatomy" characters that rouse him to speech?  Wonder why? roll  This is just another example of this jackass's inability to shut his pie hole.  I only hope that he made his statement from the bench at the bus depot where he's been living for the past two years.

That said, I hated to see what they did to Brooke Smith, too.  And so abruptly.  Why not ease Callie and Hahn out of that storyline?  They really didn't have Hahn interact with any of the other characters.  And whattaya wanna bet that we never hear about her reporting Izzy to UNOS?  It seems like instead of writing these days, they just heave stuff against the wall and see what sticks.:fedup:


#383 11 Nov 08 :: 02:25

La Dorquetta de Prima
From: Atlanta, GA
Registered: 23 Jul 06
Posts: 21,558

Re: Grey's Anatomy

Yeah, you're pretty much right about that.  I think maybe entertainment (tabloid) reporters were more than happy to call up IW and ask what he thought, hoping to stir up some stink.  And he was more than happy to oblige so he could get his name back in the press.

Personally, I enjoyed Callie & Hahn together.  I was particularly impressed that they let Callie express those "specific" doubts that she ended up talking to Bailey about a couple of weeks ago.  Never seen that in one of these storylines before.  I think Disney/ABC got cold feet and told Rhimes to shut that storyline down.  Kind of like the pressure that was put on Barbara Hall & Co to alter JoA in the second season.  I would've had no issue with them ending the relationship if they felt the Callie/Hahn thing just wasn't working out.  But firing Brooke was extreme.  She could've stayed on and caused all kinds of trouble for Izzy.  And maybe then KH wouldn't be so bored with her role.  But of course they'll continue to defy what we know would happen to Izzy in the real world if practically everyone in the hospital knew what she did.  Because you know, Heigl's a movie star now and they wouldn't want to lose her if they could help it.

Never in all my TV-watching days have I ever found a show so consistently irritating and yet I still wanna watch it for some reason.  It confounds me.

Your Fairy Chrismother.  Keeper of Keith's leather wristband.  Keeper of Pocket Anomalies.  WWAJD?
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#384 11 Nov 08 :: 03:48

Supreme Dorquette
From: Texas
Registered: 17 Oct 07
Posts: 2,311

Re: Grey's Anatomy

Yeah, I did too.  But Callie was never serious, never stopped seeing McSteamy.  And you're right:  I'm sure Mickey Mouse wussed out.  But with all the whiny cast members and their very public nervous breakdowns, etc. I kind of understand Disney trying to be proactive before the wheels start flying off the wagon again.

And they still do a lot of things right:  I approve of the man they found for Christina!  Major Hunt already appreciates her more than Burke ever did.  She's his "single malt scotch".  I sure hope they don't drop the ball on that storyline.


#385 11 Nov 08 :: 04:53

La Dorquetta de Prima
From: Atlanta, GA
Registered: 23 Jul 06
Posts: 21,558

Re: Grey's Anatomy

Perzactly.  I just wish they'd do right by Callie.  Or mess with her, or whatever.  I just really like her and want her to have a storyline that keeps her in the forefront.  And OMG!  I love Kevin McKidd.  You're so right.  WHAT A MAN!  Did you watch Rome?  Or Journeyman?  I adored the former and tried to like the latter.  This role in GA is far better than his last gig.  And it's fun to see Cristina all discombobulated.

Your Fairy Chrismother.  Keeper of Keith's leather wristband.  Keeper of Pocket Anomalies.  WWAJD?
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#386 11 Nov 08 :: 18:13

Dorquette vom Dienst
From: Pforzheim, Germany (BW)
Registered: 23 Jul 06
Posts: 8,829

Re: Grey's Anatomy

I finally started watching Season 5. Oh God, I will never stay away from any spoilers. I almost thought they really killed Derek! lol

I hugged the Seeker!


#387 14 Nov 08 :: 23:29

Admin Dorquette™
From: Germany
Registered: 23 Jul 06
Posts: 10,412

Re: Grey's Anatomy

Okay, Izzie and Denny--WTF???? What is he? Who is he? I don't want her macking with a ghost! Especially not now that Alex is starting to be a decent person.

The Hahn "departure" was really ungraceful. Poor Callie. The scene in the OR was heartbreaking.

Not sure whether I like the new girl. And.... Deth??? Talk about a bad connotation.


"Sometimes I think the human species is programmed to look at the bright side of every disaster."
-- David Sandström, ReGenesis


#388 15 Nov 08 :: 00:11

La Dorquetta de Prima
From: Atlanta, GA
Registered: 23 Jul 06
Posts: 21,558

Re: Grey's Anatomy

So far, I hate the new girl.  She's the kind of person I always wanna slap.  Yeah, my heart broke for Callie.  But I think McSteamy has really developed feelings for her.  I'm not sure I like the idea of them actually getting together, but it was sweet to see him and Cristina being so supportive.

I guess it's probably a good thing you didn't see the preview for next week if you don't want Izzy macking with a ghost...

Big ups to the casting director for hiring one of my absolute favorite Indian actors, August Schellenberg for the role of the "haunted heart" patient.  I love his voice.  He's amazing.

Your Fairy Chrismother.  Keeper of Keith's leather wristband.  Keeper of Pocket Anomalies.  WWAJD?
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#389 15 Nov 08 :: 01:03

Admin Dorquette™
From: Germany
Registered: 23 Jul 06
Posts: 10,412

Re: Grey's Anatomy

Uh oh, I think I'm gonna hate the Izzie storyline this season...

Yep, sure looks like McSteamy has feelings for Callie. (And I thought the Little Sloan and Little Grey was kinda funny.) Not sure I wanna see McSteamy with Callie either.


"Sometimes I think the human species is programmed to look at the bright side of every disaster."
-- David Sandström, ReGenesis


#390 05 Dec 08 :: 04:10

La Dorquetta de Prima
From: Atlanta, GA
Registered: 23 Jul 06
Posts: 21,558

Re: Grey's Anatomy

Seems like a funny ep tonight rather than a gut-wrenching one.  Cool.  big_smile

Your Fairy Chrismother.  Keeper of Keith's leather wristband.  Keeper of Pocket Anomalies.  WWAJD?
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#391 05 Dec 08 :: 04:34

From: Pittsburgh, PA
Registered: 24 Jul 07
Posts: 3,989

Re: Grey's Anatomy

I haven't seen this show in a while but I gotta say... I'm not a fan of Dr. Dixon.



#392 09 Dec 08 :: 23:33

Supreme Dorquette
From: Texas
Registered: 17 Oct 07
Posts: 2,311

Re: Grey's Anatomy

Yeah, I guess they're trying to show that Asperger's syndrome isn't as funny as they made it look on Boston Legal, but good Lord they ought to keep her well away from the patients' families!

Here's the latest rumor du jour at "Grey's".  Will this show ever be as dramatic as it is behind the scenes?:rolleyes:

http://tv.yahoo.com/grey-39-s-anatomy/s … __ER:72264


#393 09 Dec 08 :: 23:48

From: Pittsburgh, PA
Registered: 24 Jul 07
Posts: 3,989

Re: Grey's Anatomy

Oohhh.  Like I said, I haven't watched the show lately and I didn't realize there was something wrong with Dr.  Dixon... other than she was a bitch.

So now George and Izzie are gonna be gone?!  Well, I guess if something happens to Izzie, they could write in that George was too depressed to continue working there.  As long as Sandra Oh doesn't start hating her job, I'll probably still watch it.



#394 09 Dec 08 :: 23:52

La Dorquetta de Prima
From: Atlanta, GA
Registered: 23 Jul 06
Posts: 21,558

Re: Grey's Anatomy

Has anyone ever seen the autistic cow lady?  That's who Dixon reminds me of, so I actually like her.

This is her: http://www.templegrandin.com/

And who didn't see Heigl's departure coming?  I really do think they're punishing her with the stupid ghostie Denny storyline.

Your Fairy Chrismother.  Keeper of Keith's leather wristband.  Keeper of Pocket Anomalies.  WWAJD?
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#395 10 Dec 08 :: 00:18

Admin Dorquette™
From: Germany
Registered: 23 Jul 06
Posts: 10,412

Re: Grey's Anatomy

I hate the Ghost!Denny storyline. It's ridiculous. And it doesn't fit the show at all. I'd hate to see George leaving, though. Although I have to admit it's been a while since he's had a good storyline on the show. I don't mind Dr. Dixon. Sure, she's weird, but at least she's not being rude on purpose.

Oh, and is it just me or does Sadie also remind you a little of Judith?


"Sometimes I think the human species is programmed to look at the bright side of every disaster."
-- David Sandström, ReGenesis


#396 10 Dec 08 :: 20:25

Dorquette vom Dienst
From: Pforzheim, Germany (BW)
Registered: 23 Jul 06
Posts: 8,829

Re: Grey's Anatomy

Why is everybody leaving? yikes That totally ruins my favorite show on screen! :crying:
Tina, how many new episodes do you have? I need some new GA stuff. I don't know why, but Numb3rs is the only stuff I have left so far and I currently can't deal with it for whatever reason. sad

I hugged the Seeker!


#397 10 Dec 08 :: 20:43

Admin Dorquette™
From: Germany
Registered: 23 Jul 06
Posts: 10,412

Re: Grey's Anatomy

I have GA until 4x10. The earliest I can send it to you is next Monday.


"Sometimes I think the human species is programmed to look at the bright side of every disaster."
-- David Sandström, ReGenesis


#398 10 Dec 08 :: 20:59

Dorquette vom Dienst
From: Pforzheim, Germany (BW)
Registered: 23 Jul 06
Posts: 8,829

Re: Grey's Anatomy

Okay, that's great. I think I have it until 4x04, but I have to check. I'll email you later. No rush.

I hugged the Seeker!


#399 16 Jan 09 :: 04:31

La Dorquetta de Prima
From: Atlanta, GA
Registered: 23 Jul 06
Posts: 21,558

Re: Grey's Anatomy

Can I just say how much I adore Ms. Tyne Daly?  lol

Your Fairy Chrismother.  Keeper of Keith's leather wristband.  Keeper of Pocket Anomalies.  WWAJD?
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#400 16 Jan 09 :: 04:42

From: Pittsburgh, PA
Registered: 24 Jul 07
Posts: 3,989

Re: Grey's Anatomy

Lexi's face when she was talking to her was priceless.



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