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Just came home from the sneak preview. Not The Invisible tonight, of course. They showed a movie called Catch And Release, which I actually really liked a lot. Hadn't heard anything about it before tonight. And it's even got a Chris connection! Timothy Olyphant (from Girl Next Door) played one of the main characters. And I didn't realize until afterward when they rolled the credits. I mean, I knew he looked familiar, but I just couldn't place him.
And.... they had three of the German rain movie posters for TI hanging in the theater with the release date May 10. It's real, definitely. I just feel like this is gonna be the Chris movie this year that I'll have to make the most sacrifices for. I've been going to three sneak previews, which I never do, in hopes of catching TI early. I have a feeling they might be showing it as one of the next sneak screenings, but next week I'm in the UK and the two weeks after that in Australia and New Zealand. And when I get back home, I'm pretty sure I won't find a theater that shows the movie in English. It's just not big enough a movie for them to have a reason to show it without dubbing. It wasn't pushed at all. So the next sacrifice will be me having to watch it dubbed. Which I'm actually not sure yet whether I really want to make that sacrifice. Guess I'll decide when the time is near.
"Sometimes I think the human species is programmed to look at the bright side of every disaster."
-- David Sandström, ReGenesis
Is Catch and Release the one with Jennifer Garner and Kevin Smith? I missed that while it was out over here, so I guess it will be a rental Glad you liked it.
So the next sacrifice will be me having to watch it dubbed. Which I'm actually not sure yet whether I really want to make that sacrifice. Guess I'll decide when the time is near.
By then we'll for sure be able to tell you if it's worth a dubbed viewing. Although would you prefer the movie be really terrible or really good in order to see it dubbed?
No no, I want the movie to be good! I mean, it's gonna suck if I had to watch it dubbed, but at least it's not a comedy where a lot of the jokes will get lost in the translation. From a dialogue standpoint, it won't matter much whether I watch this one dubbed or in English because I'm pretty sure the dialogues will be almost the same in both languages. It's just that I won't be able to hear Chris's voice, and I already know that his dubbing voice will not sound anything like him at all.
But I believe that if it will come to the point where I'll have to watch it dubbed, I'll be able to switch my annoyance about the dubbing off for the duration of the movie and move along with the story.
And, yes, Catch And Release is the movie with Jennifer Garner and Kevin Smith.
"Sometimes I think the human species is programmed to look at the bright side of every disaster."
-- David Sandström, ReGenesis
Here's a funny story from my office. I share a room with my colleague Hellen and our "asylum case" Rob from Medical Writing (which is a different department than the one I'm working for). Rob's also quite keen on watching movies, so I was just checking for any new info on the movie (didn't find any). And Rob was looking over my shoulder because I had just shown him something on my computer. He knows I'm a Chris fan, but he usually just shakes his head in disbelief when I talk about Chris or the website.
Then Rob saw that I was looking at info about TI, and he goes, "Oh, The Invisible, is that on already? I wanted to watch that, the trailer's up on the Apple website." And I turned around, looked at him and said, "Really? Do you know who's in it?" He shook his head and I said, "Well, Chris Marquette is!" And he put his head in his hands and went, "Oh, bollocks." He was just kidding, of course. I showed him the still of Chris with Justin (the one from the bike scene), but he said he didn't remember that from the trailer.
I'm so curious to hear what Rob has to say about the movie and also Chris after he's seen it (if he does), seeing how a) I think Rob has never seen Chris on screen and b) Rob doesn't really care much about Chris. Wonder if he'd even have noticed him if I wasn't talking about Chris stuff all the time.
"Sometimes I think the human species is programmed to look at the bright side of every disaster."
-- David Sandström, ReGenesis
No signs of the poster here yet, but I can only speak for LB, because I haven't been to Stuttgart since I drove there to see AD. But I'll look online tonight when I am home. I am still in class at the moment and the comps here are crappy, I can hardly see what I type.
I hugged the Seeker!
Here's an excrutiatingly bad review from the Ain't It Cool News guys:
I didn't really read it for fear of spoilers, but I read enough to get that this guy didn't like it. He also said that once Chris appears off the screen, you forget he was ever there. Hm....
"Sometimes I think the human species is programmed to look at the bright side of every disaster."
-- David Sandström, ReGenesis
Once he left the screen, you forgot he was even there.
Certainly NOT!!! :angry:
I hugged the Seeker!
Oh, I wouldn't count too much on the AICN guys' reviews. They either love something or hate it with a passion--and don't hide either fact. I don't give a monkey's bum about what they say. I know I won't forget Chris as soon as he leaves the screen, but that's not very surprising, is it?
"Sometimes I think the human species is programmed to look at the bright side of every disaster."
-- David Sandström, ReGenesis
Oh, I wouldn't count too much on the AICN guys' reviews. They either love something or hate it with a passion--and don't hide either fact.
I know that.
I don't give a monkey's bum about what they say. I know I won't forget Chris as soon as he leaves the screen, but that's not very surprising, is it?
I wouldn't either, of course.
I hugged the Seeker!
I read that crap review from a link on IMDb a week or two ago. Thing you always gotta remember about AICN is that those guys think they're smarter, hipper, more savvy than everyone else on the planet. And if there's a cute boy in the movie and they know the girls who refuse to give them the time of day will want to see it, they go to extra pains to bash the piss out of it.
Your Fairy Chrismother. Keeper of Keith's leather wristband. Keeper of Pocket Anomalies. WWAJD?
Wanna talk to President Obama? Close Gitmo/Open Cuba.
those guys think they're smarter, hipper, more savvy than everyone else on the planet.
Haha. They're not. They're just envious.
I hugged the Seeker!
Also nothing new, but I found this on (from January 2007):
What if you had to solve your own murder? That's the premise of "Batman Begins" writer David Goyer's "The Invisible," a remake that star Chris Marquette insists will be the "Ghost" of the new millennium. Marquette said Justin Chatwin's Nick Powell dies and then wakes up in the flick, and that their characters "have this interesting relationship because we're best friends and I help in his murder, and now he's trying to find out why [he was killed]." Stuck in limbo between life and death, Powell must help searchers find his body before it's too late. The 22-year-old Marquette added that while Powell can't be seen, "Eventually people can start to hear him and see him a little bit; everybody feels him and his presence. He learns the tricks of the trade and he starts realizing what's going on. The longer he connects with people, the more they realize he's there." The creepy flick opens April 13. … rssMozilla and Yahoo! Movies also say Chris's character name in TI is Pete Egan. Finally a last name!
Oh, and there's something about Pete in Nick's Blog on the official website now (this might be considered slightly spoilery):
Suspect #3 - Pete
I hate to put him on this list. He's my friend, but the fact that he just came into my room twenty minutes ago and stole my stash of cash (over $1,000 amassed in school papers written for morons). I know he couldn't do it himself, bu the knows something. I think he's going to run.
(And the second sentence is missing something, isn't it? But that's what it says on the official site...)
"Sometimes I think the human species is programmed to look at the bright side of every disaster."
-- David Sandström, ReGenesis
Here's something funny: Today was my mom and dad's big 125. Birthday Party and Nathalie was also there and we talked - of course - a little about Chris and his newest project. Of course I told them about The Invisible and one of my mom's friends, who sat nearby, got curious and asked me a lot about the movie. And she was always like "He's invisible, so why do they need an actor for the role?" LOL
I hugged the Seeker!
I got a copy of USA today at the hotel every night and they had a Summer Movie Preview special section on Friday. I said it better have Fanboys in it or I'd scream. It did. But it only mentioned KB and there were no pictures. I didn't expect it to have The Invisible, but it did. And it only listed Justin and Chris in the cast. But no pictures from that one either.
Your Fairy Chrismother. Keeper of Keith's leather wristband. Keeper of Pocket Anomalies. WWAJD?
Wanna talk to President Obama? Close Gitmo/Open Cuba.
Found a Chris interview that I don't think we've seen before.
Wow, cool interview, thanks for posting it, Brenna!
I hugged the Seeker!
I thought Chris was amazing in the role. He reminds me a lot of Sal Mineo in the James Dean film 'Rebel Without A Cause.' He plays this sad, wounded soul so beautifully."
Aaaww! Isn't that the most wonderful compliment? It's from David Goyer, the director.
I hugged the Seeker!
That's an awesome interview!!!
My favorite bits?
Q: What would you do if you were invisible? Justin's character doesn't choose to look at the girl in the shower.
Chris: [laughs] What would I do? Oh man. I would definitely look at everybody in the shower, no, no. I'd have to say I would love to see all the secrets that governments keep. I would love to go into like Area 51 or go into the President's office and look at secret papers. Or the head of the C.I.A.'s office and read things. I'd end up doing that.
Dude, me too! Looks like he's a bit of a conspiracy geek, like me.
Q: The "Joan" fans wrote a lot of letters to keep it on the air.
Chris: They definitely did. To this day I still meet people and get to talk to people. That show did something I didn't realize it could. It was really nice, yeah.
Yeah, like rock peoples' worlds and stick with them forever? LOL! Yep.
Q: What is the pendant you are wearing?
Chris: Oh, it's an old 18th Century family crest, not my family, but there's a little lion and an antelope and the lion's for hope and courage and the antelope is for stability.
Somebody take a picture! Please! I wanna see that!
Q: What about "Fanboys"?
Chris: Fanboys will be out I think, as of now, it's not set in stone but August 17th we're saying. T
Whuh...? Don't say that!!!
Godammit, Harvey, if you don't release this movie, I swear to God I'll kill myself! (Deb paraphrases one of our favorite bits of Chris dialog)
Great find, Brenna! Thanks so much for posting that.
Your Fairy Chrismother. Keeper of Keith's leather wristband. Keeper of Pocket Anomalies. WWAJD?
Wanna talk to President Obama? Close Gitmo/Open Cuba.
Just saw a new TV commercial for the movie that had a quick shot of Chris that looked like he was falling backward and screaming. Hmmmmm.
Your Fairy Chrismother. Keeper of Keith's leather wristband. Keeper of Pocket Anomalies. WWAJD?
Wanna talk to President Obama? Close Gitmo/Open Cuba.
Ah yeah, I saw that too Deb. Looks like a pretty pivotal Chris moment. Gah, I can't wait!!
I found an interview with David S. Goyer over at this morning. Chris is briefly mentioned, but he has really nice things to say about him. Here's the link:
CS: I assume Christopher Marquette isn't doing his usual comic sidekick thing in this movie?
Goyer: No, Chris is great. I'd been aware of him in other movies and on TV shows, so I had actively pursued him and asked my casting director to see if he would come in for it. He's an incredible actor...
Nothing we don't know already, but still pretty sweet
Wow, that's great. This is a new Goyer interview? I just love it when they sing the praises.
Your Fairy Chrismother. Keeper of Keith's leather wristband. Keeper of Pocket Anomalies. WWAJD?
Wanna talk to President Obama? Close Gitmo/Open Cuba.
Yeah, that's not really new to us, but I also love reading things like that.
I hugged the Seeker!
Heads-up, gals! RosenKratz over on IMDb says there's a new video interview with Chris at IESB. Let's see who can find it and post it first! Ready, set, go!
Your Fairy Chrismother. Keeper of Keith's leather wristband. Keeper of Pocket Anomalies. WWAJD?
Wanna talk to President Obama? Close Gitmo/Open Cuba.
Awesome! I just saw all these cool things being posted, but seeing how I'm currently in the UK on a business trip and barely have time online, I'll wait till I'm back home to savor all this stuff properly. And the English keyboard is driving me mad, so forgive me for not posting as much as I'd like to tonight. I will be back home tomorrow night. And thanks to you guys, I'll have lots of stuff to look forward to now. Wonderfull!
"Sometimes I think the human species is programmed to look at the bright side of every disaster."
-- David Sandström, ReGenesis
Heads-up, gals! RosenKratz over on IMDb says there's a new video interview with Chris at IESB. Let's see who can find it and post it first! Ready, set, go!
Here it is: … ail&id=543. Do I win something? lol.
Really cool interview they've got there - Chris looks really good. All this publicity stuff is getting me really excited.