#76 25 Apr 07 :: 22:37

Admin Dorquette™
From: Germany
Registered: 23 Jul 06
Posts: 10,412

Re: Road Trippin'

Okay gals, I'm back. I need some time to settle in and then I'm gonna get to the new Chris stuff. The TI interviews and all that.

The two days in England were good. I learned a lot and everyone was nice. The trip was really pleasant, actually. I could have done with out the flying, but a one hour flight to London isn't so bad, I guess. It's not that I'm scared of flying or anything, but you just lose so much time, you know? Sitting around, waiting, being lifted up to 33,000 feet, touching down again.

Best thing was: I got to speak English and listen to English all the time. There was even an Irishman (with the typically Irish name Colm on top) and a Scotsman. Gotta love those accents!

What I positively hate is that I won't have any time over the next two and a half or three weeks to do anything with the site at all. And that when there's so much new Chris material that we're being hit with. Things will be monumentally busy at work the next two days and on Monday I'm off to Oz, for which I have to prepare over the weekend. But I guess that's the way it goes. Maybe I'll have an hour or two for the most pressing stuff this weekend. If not, just bear with me until middle of May. And let's cross fingers that some of the bad news about one of his movies that we think might be hitting soon will be outweighed by good news about Chris's new project or whatever else he has in store for us.


"Sometimes I think the human species is programmed to look at the bright side of every disaster."
-- David Sandström, ReGenesis


#77 26 Apr 07 :: 16:27

From: Erftstadt in Germany :)
Registered: 20 Apr 07
Posts: 35

Re: Road Trippin'

your trip sounds really good smile hope you had a lots of fun smile

Cologne rulez big_smile:D


#78 26 Apr 07 :: 16:30

Admin Dorquette™
From: Germany
Registered: 23 Jul 06
Posts: 10,412

Re: Road Trippin'

It's a business trip and I'll be on my own, how much fun can it be? No, honestly I think it will be nice. I'm not looking forward to the days I will have to be working, but I'm looking forward to all the other leisure stuff I'll get to be doing in two countries that I think are really exciting to visit. I've been to Australia before, but never to New Zealand. I'll have a day each to explore Christchurch and Auckland, that should be great. Photos to follow.


"Sometimes I think the human species is programmed to look at the bright side of every disaster."
-- David Sandström, ReGenesis


#79 30 Apr 07 :: 18:20

Admin Dorquette™
From: Germany
Registered: 23 Jul 06
Posts: 10,412

Re: Road Trippin'

Well, guys, I'm off to the airport in ten minutes, so I hope y'all behave while I'm gone. I'll try to log on during the trip, but no guarantees.



"Sometimes I think the human species is programmed to look at the bright side of every disaster."
-- David Sandström, ReGenesis


#80 30 Apr 07 :: 18:40

Dorquette vom Dienst
From: Pforzheim, Germany (BW)
Registered: 23 Jul 06
Posts: 8,829

Re: Road Trippin'

I'm probably too late now, but I wish you a VERY GREAT TIME in Australia/New Zealand and please come back in one piece!


I hugged the Seeker!


#81 01 May 07 :: 04:00

Admin Dorquette™
From: Germany
Registered: 23 Jul 06
Posts: 10,412

Re: Road Trippin'

A quick hello from Dubai airport. They have free wireless here, which is totally slow, but still cool. Things went well so far, but I'm very tired. Sleeping on the plane just isn't as good as in your own bed. Plus too short, of course. I'm waiting for my connecting flight to Brisbane, hope it's not gonna be delayed.

I have just about two more hours to kill and my laptop battery is about to go. sad And even though it's freakin' 6:40 in the morning here, there's tons of people. Oh, I'm sitting in the Emirates Business Class lounge, btw. Which is so not me, but it's definitely nicer than outside in the long hallways where people are sleeping on the floors and there's flashy adverts and stores that are yelling at you.


"Sometimes I think the human species is programmed to look at the bright side of every disaster."
-- David Sandström, ReGenesis


#82 01 May 07 :: 04:51

La Dorquetta de Prima
From: Atlanta, GA
Registered: 23 Jul 06
Posts: 21,558

Re: Road Trippin'

Ah, I see.  Very cool of you to check in from Dubai.  Did you notice if you flew over the Palm Islands?

I'm still kinda giddy from what happened this morning, or whenever it was. Very intense day at work, but not a  God-awful suck-fest like I feared.  I was there till 7.  Will be working overtime from home every night startig tomorrow.  That will be a suck-fest.

Hope everything keeps going smoothly for ya.


Your Fairy Chrismother.  Keeper of Keith's leather wristband.  Keeper of Pocket Anomalies.  WWAJD?
REPORT BROKEN LINKS info@chris-marquette.com  http://www.facebook.com/home.php?ref=ho … ef=profile 
Wanna talk to President Obama?  http://www.whitehouse.gov/CONTACT/  Close Gitmo/Open Cuba.


#83 01 May 07 :: 04:55

Admin Dorquette™
From: Germany
Registered: 23 Jul 06
Posts: 10,412

Re: Road Trippin'

I have no idea if I flew over the Palm Islands. It was pitch-black dark outside. I did have a window seat, but I won't on the (16-hour) flight to Brisbane.

Does this overtime thing have to do with the new ordering software you guys bought? Hope it won't be too bad. Just try not to let it get to you.


"Sometimes I think the human species is programmed to look at the bright side of every disaster."
-- David Sandström, ReGenesis


#84 01 May 07 :: 05:10

La Dorquetta de Prima
From: Atlanta, GA
Registered: 23 Jul 06
Posts: 21,558

Re: Road Trippin'

Yeah, I have to re-key all the open orders into the new system, about 40 of them.  Don't have time to do that during the regular course of the day.  So I'll be bringing work home with me until we're totally live in the new system, hopefully by the end of the week.  I processed 10 brand new orders through it today, so I didn't get anything else input.  It  was really slow going because it's really different.  And I had to do my regular stuff too.

Plus, I'm managing a 1000 piece fulfillment this week.

And yet, I was in a surprisingly good mood today.  Wonder why. hmm

The frustration rolled off my back and failed to wreck the day.  But I'm pretty tired.  Will be going to bed at a reasonable hour this week because I have no choice.

When is your first day of work downunder?

We should change the title of this thread to The Traveler or Trippin', something like that.  We've all done more business traveling than vacationing.


Your Fairy Chrismother.  Keeper of Keith's leather wristband.  Keeper of Pocket Anomalies.  WWAJD?
REPORT BROKEN LINKS info@chris-marquette.com  http://www.facebook.com/home.php?ref=ho … ef=profile 
Wanna talk to President Obama?  http://www.whitehouse.gov/CONTACT/  Close Gitmo/Open Cuba.


#85 01 May 07 :: 05:41

Admin Dorquette™
From: Germany
Registered: 23 Jul 06
Posts: 10,412

Re: Road Trippin'

My first day at work is on Thursday, Australia-time.

Oh, and guess what! I watched Pursuit of Happiness on the flight. If I'm lucky, I'll get to watch Children of Men on the flight back. Both movies that I've wanted to see and missed in the cinema. Cool! I wonder what they'll show on the trip to Brisbane.

I'm off to my gate now. I'll log on again when I can.


"Sometimes I think the human species is programmed to look at the bright side of every disaster."
-- David Sandström, ReGenesis


#86 01 May 07 :: 12:57

Dorquette vom Dienst
From: Pforzheim, Germany (BW)
Registered: 23 Jul 06
Posts: 8,829

Re: Road Trippin'

World Traveller Dorquette. Definitely. big_smile

Oh, Brisbane? Hey, my Mom's friend lives there! Cool!

I hugged the Seeker!


#87 04 May 07 :: 07:48

Admin Dorquette™
From: Germany
Registered: 23 Jul 06
Posts: 10,412

Re: Road Trippin'

Okay, gals, I just purchased myself 24 hours of internet access. Right now I'm still catching up on what's been going on (gotta take a closer look at Larry's pics in a minute), I'll update you guys later and also post some pics. So far things are going great, I'm having a really good time (well, except for me having to work some days).


EDIT: Here's some pictures for you that I took on Wednesday.

View from my hotel room:

Taking a cruise down the Brisbane River:





Downtown Brisbane:

"Sometimes I think the human species is programmed to look at the bright side of every disaster."
-- David Sandström, ReGenesis


#88 05 May 07 :: 01:25

La Dorquetta de Prima
From: Atlanta, GA
Registered: 23 Jul 06
Posts: 21,558

Re: Road Trippin'

Well, that's a hell of a lot prettier than Iowa.

Your Fairy Chrismother.  Keeper of Keith's leather wristband.  Keeper of Pocket Anomalies.  WWAJD?
REPORT BROKEN LINKS info@chris-marquette.com  http://www.facebook.com/home.php?ref=ho … ef=profile 
Wanna talk to President Obama?  http://www.whitehouse.gov/CONTACT/  Close Gitmo/Open Cuba.


#89 05 May 07 :: 14:48

Dorquette vom Dienst
From: Pforzheim, Germany (BW)
Registered: 23 Jul 06
Posts: 8,829

Re: Road Trippin'

cool pics.

I hugged the Seeker!


#90 05 May 07 :: 20:51

Registered: 20 Feb 07
Posts: 440

Re: Road Trippin'

Gorgeous photos TeeJay, thanks.


#91 10 May 07 :: 11:26

Admin Dorquette™
From: Germany
Registered: 23 Jul 06
Posts: 10,412

Re: Road Trippin'

A quick hello from Auckland, New Zealand. I'm just quickly checking in from my friend's computer and I don't have much time. Things are just fine, I'll write more and post more photos when I'm back home.


"Sometimes I think the human species is programmed to look at the bright side of every disaster."
-- David Sandström, ReGenesis


#92 10 May 07 :: 12:39

Dorquette vom Dienst
From: Pforzheim, Germany (BW)
Registered: 23 Jul 06
Posts: 8,829

Re: Road Trippin'

I just wanted to announce, that I'll be gone from today to Saturday evening. I'll travel to Aschaffenburg today to participate that 15 Years Of Kindernetzwerk (Children's Network) Celebration.

I hugged the Seeker!


#93 12 May 07 :: 05:53

Admin Dorquette™
From: Germany
Registered: 23 Jul 06
Posts: 10,412

Re: Road Trippin'

Guys, I will finally be home in another few hours. I'm in Dubai in transit right now and I can't wait to get home after this long and tiring flight. I'll be back with you when I get home. Photos to follow as well. smile


"Sometimes I think the human species is programmed to look at the bright side of every disaster."
-- David Sandström, ReGenesis


#94 12 May 07 :: 15:07

Admin Dorquette™
From: Germany
Registered: 23 Jul 06
Posts: 10,412

Re: Road Trippin'

I'm HOOOOOOOOOOOOOME!! Whew, I'm so glad. I'm a little tired, but I'm doing okay. So let me get settled in and then see what I can share with you in terms of photos.


"Sometimes I think the human species is programmed to look at the bright side of every disaster."
-- David Sandström, ReGenesis


#95 12 May 07 :: 21:09

Dorquette vom Dienst
From: Pforzheim, Germany (BW)
Registered: 23 Jul 06
Posts: 8,829

Re: Road Trippin'

Well, you may have noticed it already, but I am home again too.

I hugged the Seeker!


#96 12 May 07 :: 23:20

La Dorquetta de Prima
From: Atlanta, GA
Registered: 23 Jul 06
Posts: 21,558

Re: Road Trippin'

It has been pretty lonely around here without you guys.  Especially yesterday.  No on was online all day yesterday.

Your Fairy Chrismother.  Keeper of Keith's leather wristband.  Keeper of Pocket Anomalies.  WWAJD?
REPORT BROKEN LINKS info@chris-marquette.com  http://www.facebook.com/home.php?ref=ho … ef=profile 
Wanna talk to President Obama?  http://www.whitehouse.gov/CONTACT/  Close Gitmo/Open Cuba.


#97 12 May 07 :: 23:37

Admin Dorquette™
From: Germany
Registered: 23 Jul 06
Posts: 10,412

Re: Road Trippin'

Well, except for me in the evening when I was sitting in Dubai, right?

And here's some more pictures for you. This is Christchurch, New Zealand (some pictures taken in the Botanical Gardens):

The Peacock Fountain in the Botanical Gardens

I'll post the Auckland pictures in the next post.


"Sometimes I think the human species is programmed to look at the bright side of every disaster."
-- David Sandström, ReGenesis


#98 12 May 07 :: 23:41

Dorquette vom Dienst
From: Pforzheim, Germany (BW)
Registered: 23 Jul 06
Posts: 8,829

Re: Road Trippin'

Awesome pics! I wanna go to NZ too!!!!

I hugged the Seeker!


#99 12 May 07 :: 23:44

Admin Dorquette™
From: Germany
Registered: 23 Jul 06
Posts: 10,412

Re: Road Trippin'

And here's the pictures from Auckland. The first ones are from Rangitoto Island, which is just off the coast of Auckland, with lots of volcanic stone:

Rangitoto Panorama:

This is the Sky Tower, which Kathi and I went up to. It's ~360 yards high (three times as high as the Statue of Liberty) and it's the highest building in the southern hemisphere:


"Sometimes I think the human species is programmed to look at the bright side of every disaster."
-- David Sandström, ReGenesis


#100 12 May 07 :: 23:57

Dorquette vom Dienst
From: Pforzheim, Germany (BW)
Registered: 23 Jul 06
Posts: 8,829

Re: Road Trippin'

yikes AWESOME!!!

I hugged the Seeker!


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