#1 Re: Off Topic Stuff » amazing books » 20 Nov 07 :: 22:20

Ok, I guess I'll let it be Skurvy. If nobody minds.. ^^ There isn't any better nick crossing my mind anyway..

#2 Re: Off Topic Stuff » amazing books » 19 Nov 07 :: 08:58

TeeJay wrote:

I'll just try not to think about falling out teeth and hair when I read your nickname. wink-TeeJay

is there a way of changing my username? ^^ I don't want people thinking about Skorbut when they read my nick.. Sorry, when I picked it, I didn't really think about that..

#3 Re: Introduce Yourself » Our little questionnaire ::: Come on in and answer it » 18 Nov 07 :: 22:54

Yeah, I know, been there with English class.. smile but it's on the opposite side of Munich, so it's a bit difficult for me to get there.. But some of the cinemas in the city centre sometimes also show undubbed movies I think.
Yep, it's one of those with the blue lightsaber. A friend of mine gave it to me as a birthday present, I guess she bought it in America, she went there on vacation.

#4 Re: Off Topic Stuff » amazing books » 18 Nov 07 :: 22:28

TeeJay wrote:

You do realize that skurvy is a sickness in English, right? wink


lol, i know it's a sickness, it's skorbut in german, isn't it? But actually I didn't mean the disease, there's a brand named Paul Frank, do you know it? I used to wear it a lot, espacially shirts and stuff with a little skull on it, named Skurvy! So my best friend started calling me Skurvy, and it became my online nickname ^^

#5 Re: Off Topic Stuff » amazing books » 18 Nov 07 :: 19:38

Sisterdebmac wrote:

Nice to see you posting!  Your English is great.  Don't worry!  Welcome to the board.  smile

Thanks.. smile

magicalturkey wrote:

Your profile says your name's Lydia, would you rather us call you that instead of Skurvy? wink

You can call me however you want wink

#6 Re: Introduce Yourself » Our little questionnaire ::: Come on in and answer it » 18 Nov 07 :: 19:23

What's the first thing your ever saw Chris in?
The girl next door

What's your favorite thing he's done so far?
JoA and alpha dog

What's your favorite scene in that movie/show?
Alpha Dog: The scene Keith is crying in the car.
JoA: Probably it's a scene from "no bad guy" when Adam is at Joan, they talk, and he whispers "But I want you to like me."

Who's your favorite Chris character and why?
Adam. Because I just fell in love with that boy.

Do you remember the first time you Googled Chris?  What site did you land on?
I think IMDB.

What were you looking for when you found our website or how else did you stumble across it?
I stumbled across this site while I was watching some Fan-made JoA-videos on youtube and somebody mentioned it there.

What role in what movie --- any movie --- past, present or potential would you love to see Chris play?
I'd like to see him playing in the Lord of the rings-trilogy. My favourite movies, and seeing Chris in there would make them perfect. And I also would like to see him in Navy CIS

Seen any Chris movies in a theatre?
Just Alpha dog, dubbed.

Own any Chris movies?
the girl next door, alpha dog, just friends

Have anything special recorded off TV?
No, I don't think there was anything special about Chris ever sent on German TV

What do you like most about Chris?
His ability to make me cry. I hardly ever cry because of movies, but Chris always gets me to.
And I LOVE his voice. Besides, he's also very handsome. wink

If you could ask Chris one question, what would you ask?
Can I have a hug? Digi-Dragon, you exactly express what I feel wink

Do you have any of Chris's lines that you can quote off the top of your head?
*I swear to god, if you don't fck her, I'll kill myself. Please Matt, fck her for me. FOR MEE!!*
*I'm 22.. 20.. 19.. I'm 18...*
*You'll always be fat to me Chris!*
*17? This motherfcker is 15 years old!* --> *I'm sorry.. They don't care!*
*I can't belive we're in enemy territory!*

Have you met Chris in person? If so, tell us about it.
No.. But I hopefully will.

If you could have him autograph one item or photo, what would you pick and why?
On the Fanboys poster I got. Because I will LOVE this movie.

What would you want to see Chris doing next out of these?

a) a very dark and suspenseful thriller
b) a sitcom
c) a quirky and/or romantic comedy
d) a horror movie
e) a drama TV show
f) an action movie
g) a dramatic movie
h) a medical or cop show
i) a theater play
j) something else entirely (if so, what?)

Probably a, c or e. c beause I like seeing him happy smile

#7 Re: Off Topic Stuff » amazing books » 17 Nov 07 :: 14:38

Samsy-Marie wrote:

No need to worry about your English, mine isn't perfect either.
I see you're from Munich so I suppose you're German? You can always come to the German corner if you want! wink

yep, half german and half greek actually. smile
and TeeJay, I'll do the questionnaire this evening or tomorrow:), cause I have to leave now.

#8 Re: Off Topic Stuff » amazing books » 17 Nov 07 :: 13:29

Actually when I was reading Twilight and New Moon I really was in LOVE with Edward, but now, after reading Eclipse I am totally Team Jacob. Bella is so very facinated by Edward's beauty and the way he can protect her. And if she becomes a vampire she'll be that beautiful herself and also that strong, and I guess she'll lose her adoration for Edward. Furthermore i think a big part of Edward's love for Bella is caused by her blood's "aroma", and that would be lost too. But if Chris played Edward, I'd be Team Edward again immediately.;) And BTW englisch isn't perfect at all, so feel free to correct me, if I make mistakes lol.

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