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Thanks, guys. I feel really bad for being away for so long. I really missed you guys.
At least now you know I'm not dead. ... bad joke considering why I fell off the planet in the first place
Thanks TJ.
Sorry I haven't been around... at all in a while . I'll try to be better.
I finally caught up with the show (Big Bang Theory has been holding my attention for the last few weeks). And I wrote a Cate/Baze fic.
You guys still know where to find my fics, right?
I heard there might be another 13 episodes, but nothing's official yet. The CW doesn't usually release their new line-up until mid-May
I actually did write a J/C fic last night as a response to a request. But I hate it so I didn't post it.
But hopefully, yeah. I've been on a Big Bang Theory stretch lately though.
The Unusuals DVDs came in the mail today
Actually, one of my friend's cars has no headrests. Its for the same reason, she's a film major too and I was on her crew for one of her shorts, we pulled them out so we could film in her car. We couldn't figure out how to put them back. Of course, you could argue that, as film majors, we really aren't in our right minds.
I haven't seen the last two epis, so I'm staying out of this conversation until probably tonight (or tomorrow, or Saturday, or next week...) when I finally get around to watch them. Just had to toss that in.
I got mine from Target too. My film cell is from the Bella/Edward forest scene.
And, yeah, all the DVDs in the set look the same.
I can't watch the video cause I'm at school without headphones but I have to say, I love your nickname. I loved me some Twitty when I was 14 :drool:
I like him better than Bug. Lux deserves better from both of them but, for me, Jones is the lesser of two evils.
:alarm: RUMOR ALERT :alarm:
Austin Butler (Jones) has been apparently cast in a show starting next fall, so Jones will probably be out of the picture if Life Unexpected gets renewed.
They'll never learn
It's taking One Tree Hill's time slot. They announced it last week.
As a film student, I hate the idea of CGI. To me, the whole fun of directing is having actors and the whole crew there. Take away the actors, take away a good portion of the crew... all that's left is a few people in a room playing around with computers.
Posted a new fic. Baze needs to face the hard truth about his little girl: she's a woman now. And was before he knew she existed.
I'm not a big fan of Ryan and I was with Baze the whole way last night. Yes, Baze acted like a baby but I think it was understandable. Ryan acted like an ass. Especially when he told Baze he was taking Lux driving. The guy only got so much time with his kid as it was. If Baze couldn't teach her how to drive, Cate should. Not her sorta-almost-stepdad.
What my living room sounded like for the last few scenes:
"I hope Lux doesn't ask Cate to adopt Tash"
"oh crap!"
"oh crap."
"I can't believe Lux asked Cate to adopt Tash"
"I can. Oh crap!"
Amazon's given us an official release date (April 9th) and a pretty cover art.
Well um.... he's coming back
Well, I know all about guys being damaged goods and needing to lash out. Remember, I dated their king. Guys just need to learn to project that way (read: away from us).
If he redeems himself, awesome. I hate him now, but I also hated Adam for about a day. There's a chance.
I think Lux is gonna be conflicted about Jones, like you said. But I do think she's gonna end up at least going on a date with him, if nothing else. It's gonna take a while, obviously, because this is probably her first big break up and she's gonna need some Lux-time.
I did see an interview with Britt Robertson early on where she said that Rafi Gavron (Bug) was gonna be in almost every episode this season. I wouldn't mind though if he didn't come back. Like I said, I'm not too fond of him at the moment. If he had a redeeming quality and I thought he actually deserved Lux, I'd say I'd like to see him come back. I did like him in the first couple episodes, because it looked like he really loved/loves her. Then he started opening his mouth.
I'm sorry, but calling a girl who you say you love and have apparently been with for a long time a slut and damaged goods is a bad idea. He just doesn't deserve her, its that simple. If he does something to prove he does, awesome. But I doubt that'll happen.
I loved last night's ep. I liked Lux/Bug before, then when he called Lux a slut, he became dead to me. I think her and Jones are gonna be really cute together though.
Posted a new fic. It takes place after tonight's episode, so don't read it if you missed it. Especially the last five minutes.
Not that I've heard. I haven't heard anything about it except for speculation and I have a feeling it's gonna stay like that, everything under wraps until at least filming starts.
And for those of you who think that won't be possible: they kept Robert a secret until half way through filming Twilight and didn't announce all the Cullens until filming was wrapped.
I forgot to post here. Posted a new fic. Lux and Bug try to get some alone time, but Cate's apparently installed video cameras in his apartment.